All Chapters of THE BILLIONAIRE HEIR: His ex-girlfriend begged him: Chapter 1 - Chapter 9
9 chapters
Chapter 1: The need for change
Harry Winstone paced the cold hospital corridor, the words of the doctor still ringing in his ears. “Mr. Winstone, I’m afraid your foster mother’s condition has worsened. We need to operate immediately. The cost is three hundred thousand pounds, and we need it by five this evening,” the doctor had said, his tone gentle yet firm. Harry felt the ground slip from beneath his feet. “Three hundred thousand pounds?” he repeated, his voice hollow. “How am I supposed to get that much money in a few hours?” “I understand it’s a lot to ask, but we don’t have much time. Without the operation, she won’t make it through the night,” the doctor explained, his eyes filled with sympathy before he walked away. Harry clenched his fists, trying to steady himself. He turned and made his way to Celia’s ward, his heart heavy with fear and desperation. Pushing open the door, he saw her lying motionless on the bed, her once vibrant face now pale and frail. “Hey, Mum,” he whispered, sitting beside her an
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Chapter 2: Accepting Fate.
Standing in the dimly lit hallway, he felt the weight of his new reality pressing down on him. He was no longer just Harry Winstone, the boy who grew up in a small flat with a loving foster mother. He was now the heir to the Winstone family, with all the responsibilities and challenges that came with it.And he was completely alone.“Let’s go inside,” Richard said quietly. “You’re not alone in this.”But as Harry looked at his reflection in the glass doors, he couldn’t shake the feeling that everything had changed, and he wasn’t sure if he was ready for what lay ahead., just like that. He had to know why. He needed answers.When he reached her building, his steps slowed. The sight that greeted him made his blood run cold. Amelia was standing outside, smiling, with her arms wrapped around another man—someone he didn’t recognize. The man, Adam Morland, was impeccably dressed, his designer suit screaming money and privilege. He radiated arrogance, his smug grin only adding to Harry's
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Chapter 3: The Masked Reckoning
Harry stood outside the abandoned warehouse, his breath visible in the cold night air. The mask he wore felt strange against his skin, but it was necessary. Tonight wasn’t about showing who he was—it was about delivering a message. He glanced at the group of bodyguards Richard had sent, their presence reassuring but not needed for what he had in mind."Stay out of this unless I give the word," he instructed them sternly.“Understood, Mr. Winstone,” the lead bodyguard replied, his face expressionless behind his sunglasses, even in the dark.With a nod, Harry pushed open the creaky warehouse door and stepped inside. The dim light from a few scattered bulbs cast eerie shadows, adding to the tension of the moment. In the center of the space stood Adam Morland, flanked by three burly men in Cloud Logistics uniforms. Adam’s arrogance was palpable, his posture relaxed as if he were completely in control.“Ah, the mysterious man of the hour,” Adam sneered, crossing his arms over his chest.
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Chapter 4: Becoming Harry Winstone
The sleek black Rolls-Royce Phantom glided to a halt in front of the Sea Pavilion, its polished surface reflecting the warm lights from the grand entrance. Harry, still weary from the emotional turmoil of the past few days, stepped out with Richard following closely behind. The weight of his new responsibilities as the Winstone heir settled heavily on his shoulders, yet he stood tall, his resolve unshaken."Mr. Winstone, everything is set for tonight," Richard began, his voice steady. "All the key affiliates of the Winstone family are here to show their respect. It's important you make a good impression."Harry nodded absently, his thoughts still lingering on Celia, who lay recovering in the hospital. "I know, Richard. I’ll do what’s necessary."As they made their way towards the entrance, Harry’s attention was abruptly drawn to a familiar voice, dripping with disdain.“Well, well, if it isn’t the infamous Harry Winstone!” Amelia's voice rang out, sharp and mocking.Harry’s steps fa
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Chapter 5: An eye for an eye
Adam Morland leaned casually against the bonnet of his sleek sports car, a smug smile plastered on his face. He glanced at Harry and his bodyguards, barely able to contain his laughter. “You really think you can bring down Cloud Logistics? Do you have any idea who you’re dealing with?”Harry stood a few feet away, his face unreadable. “I know exactly who I’m dealing with, Adam. And I’m not here to play games.”Amelia, standing beside Adam, let out a mocking laugh. “This is pathetic, Harry. You can barely manage your own life, let alone bankrupt a company worth over twenty million pounds.”Adam smirked, straightening up. “That’s right. You don’t have the power to touch us. You’re just a nobody pretending to be someone important.” He turned to his girlfriend, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “Honestly, Amelia, I’m starting to feel bad for him. This delusion must be tough to keep up.”Harry’s eyes narrowed, but he kept his composure. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, n
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Chapter 6: Long time no see.
Harry stepped out of the sleek black Mercedes, his posture calm yet commanding. The Sea Pavilion, with its grand facade and glittering lights, loomed before him, exuding an aura of exclusivity. As he walked through the entrance with Richard by his side, the staff's reactions were immediate and palpable. Whispers spread among the guests and employees, their eyes widening in surprise as they observed the deference with which Richard treated him.The lobby manager, a sharp-eyed woman in her forties, hurried forward. “Good evening, Mr. Winstone, Mr. Dalton,” she greeted, her voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and respect.“Evening,” Richard replied curtly, nodding in acknowledgment. “We’re here for the dinner in the presidential dining room.”“Of course, sir. Everything has been prepared to your specifications,” she said, casting a subtle glance at Harry, clearly trying to piece together his identity. “If you would follow me, please.”As they made their way through the opulent halls, he
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Chapter 7
CHAPTER 7Harry walked down the dimly lit corridor, his mind preoccupied with the events of the evening. The opulence of the Sea Pavilion felt surreal, a stark contrast to the life he had known until recently. As he rounded a corner, he heard a familiar voice.“Harry? Is that you?”He turned to see Lily standing a few steps away, her eyes wide with surprise and her smile warm. “Lily? What are you doing here?” he asked, unable to hide his delight at seeing her.“I work here,” she replied, holding up a tray. “What about you? I didn’t expect to see you in a place like this.”Harry shrugged, his smile fading a little. “Just... dinner with some people.”Lily’s brow furrowed slightly as she studied him. “Are you okay? You look... different.”Harry laughed softly. “A lot has happened. I’m managing.”“You don’t have to pretend with me, you know,” she said gently, her eyes filled with concern. “I heard about your foster mother. Is she doing okay?”“She’s stable for now,” Harry replied, his voi
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Chapter 8
CHAPTER 8Avery stumbled back, clutching his jaw, his face twisted with pain and fury. “You’ll pay for this, you maniac!” he spat, pointing a shaking finger at Harry. “You think you can just attack me and get away with it?”Harry stood his ground, his eyes cold and unyielding. “You got what you deserved, Avery. I warned you to stop harassing Lily.”Avery straightened up, his arrogance returning in full force. “I’ll have you thrown out of here. You don’t know who you’re messing with. I’m a regular here, and you’re just a nobody. Riley, get him out of here!”Riley Hilton, the lobby manager, stepped forward, her expression calm but stern. “Mr. Thornhill, I saw what happened. You provoked Harry, and he was defending himself and Lily.”Avery’s face contorted in disbelief. “What? Are you serious? You’re taking his side? He assaulted me!”Riley’s eyes narrowed. “I saw everything, Avery. You were the one causing trouble. And I won’t tolerate harassment of any kind in this establishment, no ma
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Chapter 9
CHAPTER 9Fred Lyons glared at his son, the fury in his eyes matched only by the disappointment in his voice. “Peter, I’ve warned you time and again about your arrogance. You’ve disgraced this family for the last time!”Peter wiped the blood from his lip, his defiant glare meeting his father’s. “Dad, I didn’t do anything wrong! He’s nobody, just some loser trying to act tough. Why are you siding with him over me?”Fred’s hand struck out, the sound of the slap echoing through the lobby. “You insolent fool! Do you think this is about taking sides? You have no idea who you’ve insulted tonight!”Peter staggered, clutching his cheek, his eyes wide with shock. “But Dad—”“No buts!” Fred roared, his voice trembling with barely suppressed rage. “I’ve always told you to be humble, to respect people no matter who they are. And what have you done? You’ve acted like a spoiled brat, flaunting your wealth and power as if it makes you untouchable.”Peter straightened, his defiance still flickering.
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