All Chapters of The rise of the lost heir: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
13 chapters
Chapter 1: Girlfriend fiasco
Joe tried to steady the plates in his hands, but as he took a step forward, everything came crashing down. This was the third time he had broken the plates this week, but it wasn’t his fault. The slippery tiles in the kitchen area and his shoes, which were slowly falling apart, were to blame.“Joe!” The sound of his name being called made him turn back sharply. His eyes landed on his boss, Mr. Smith.“You fucking bastard!” Mr smith yelled as his hands moved towards Joe’s cheeks, hitting him across the face. “How many times have I told you to be careful, huh?”Joe tried to defend himself, but at that moment, he felt another slap on his face, harder than the last.His face stung, but not as much as the pain he felt as he took a step forward. He had stepped on a piece of the broken plate, and it penetrated his shoes.Joe swallowed the pain, turning to look at his boss. “I…I will clean it!” He said.“You better hurry up. People are waiting for their orders.” Joe nodded his head, watchi
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Chapter 2: The deposit
Joe's head throbbed, his arm aching from where he’d fallen.“Joe, Joe, stay with me,” a familiar voice cut through the haze. It was Lisa, one of his co-workers, kneeling next to him. “We’re getting you to the hospital. Just hang in there, okay?”Joe blinked, trying to respond, but the words wouldn’t come. His whole body felt heavy. Moments later, he was being lifted onto a stretcher, the paramedics barking quick instructions as they wheeled him out of the restaurant.***At the hospital. Joe was placed in an examination room, where the doctor quickly assessed his condition.“Looks like you’ve had quite the fall,” the doctor said, shining a small light into Joe’s eyes to check his pupils. “Thankfully, nothing’s broken. You’ve got a nasty gash on your arm, but it’s nothing a few stitches won’t fix.”The doctor continued. “That applies to your leg, too.”Joe tried to sit up, wincing as pain shot through his arm. “Am I gonna be okay?”The doctor nodded. “You’ll be fine. Just a few stitc
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Chapter 3: A twist of fate
Joe sat on the edge of his worn-out couch, staring at his phone, still stunned by the unexpected money in his bank account. He couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. How could there suddenly be a huge sum of money in his account?His hand shook as he dialed his bank’s customer service number. The automated voice guided him through the menu, and finally, after what felt like an eternity, a representative picked up.“Good evening. This is Sarah from Bank Services. How can I assist you today?” a voice said.Joe swallowed hard, trying to find the words. “Yeah, um, I—I have a question about my account. I just checked my balance, and there’s more money in there than there should be. I don’t know where it came from.”The line went silent for a moment as the representative likely pulled up his account details.“Okay, Mr. Turner,” Sarah said after a moment. “I see what you’re referring to. It looks like a deposit was made into your account earlier today.”“But who made the dep
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Chapter 4: The Wrong Turn.
Joe stood at the platform; the next day, the cold wind brushed against his face, making him pull his jacket closer around his body. The train was about to arrive any second.He glanced at his phone to check the time and realized he was on schedule.Just as he was about to step forward, his phone buzzed in his pocket. He frowned, pulling it out. Jerry’s name flashed on the screen. ‘Odd,’ he thought. Jerry never called him out of the blue like this. Joe swiped the screen, bringing the phone to his ear. "Hey, Jerry, what’s up?""Joe... Joe, man, I—I’m in trouble." Jerry said.Joe stopped in his tracks, the noise of the incoming train fading from his attention."Trouble? What do you mean? Where are you?"There was a pause, followed by hurried breathing on the other end of the line. "I’m good tangled in some serious shit." Jerry stammered.“What shit?” Joe asked in a hurried tone."This gang…” There was a long pause after this, and Joe could hear his heart skip a bit.“What gang?” He
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Chapter 5: The parcel
Joe’s head throbbed as he was tossed around like a ragdoll by the men who dragged him across the floor.His body ached from the punches and kicks, but he forced himself to stay conscious. His vision blurred for a moment before a rough hand grabbed him by the collar, shoving him across the room with brutal force. He stumbled and crashed into another door, falling into what seemed like a smaller room.“Place him in that corner,” the man in white ordered from the doorway.The men who had been handling Joe hesitated for a second, looking at each other before obeying. They roughly yanked the ropes from his wrists, leaving red, angry marks where the bonds had cut into his skin. Joe slumped to the ground, gasping for breath.“Leave us,” the same voice ordered. Joe glanced up, his vision clearing enough to see the man speaking.The other men left without a word, closing the door behind them.Joe tried to sit up, wincing as pain shot through his side. “What’s your name, young man?” The m
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Chapter 6: stealing from my girlfriend
“You have got fifteen minutes!” The man’s voice echoed in Joe’s head as he headed to Rosie’s home.Joe walked quickly. He hoped Rosie’s father wouldn’t be home, but his hopes were shattered when he came across the sleek black car parked in the driveway. Her father was home.Shit, Joe thought. This keeps getting worse.Not wanting to draw any attention to himself, Joe decided to circle around to the back of the house. He knew the layout well; after all, he had spent countless evenings here.He made his way to the back door. The house was quiet.Good! Everyone was asleep.Joe’s heart pounded in his chest as he approached Rosie’s father’s study. He knew the parcel had to be there. He had come across the safe some time ago. Joe’s eyes darted around until they landed on the safe.Then, just as he reached for it, he heard a sharp click, followed by a high-pitched whine.The alarms.He had triggered the security system. He heard footsteps pounding up the stairs before he could even thin
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Chapter 7: Saving Jerry
Joe sat in the back of the police car, his hands cuffed tightly behind his back. As the car made its way to the police station, he kept replaying the moment Jack had slapped him and called him a thief. “This is a misunderstanding!” Joe shouted. “You have to listen to me! My friend’s in danger!”The officers in the front didn’t even glance back at him. One of them, the driver, just let out a small chuckle. “Yeah, sure, buddy. That’s what they all say.”“I’m serious! There’s someone out there who’s going to kill my friend if I don’t help him! You have to believe me!” Joe’s voice cracked. The officer in the passenger seat finally turned to look at him. “Save it for the judge.”Joe slumped back in his seat, feeling utterly helpless.When they arrived, the officers dragged Joe out of the car, and he stumbled as his legs gave out beneath him. They didn’t care. They shoved him through the doors and down the cold hallways of the station. “You can’t just lock me up! I didn’t do anything
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Chapter 8: The Inheritance
"Is this the warehouse?" Mr. Adam asked as they approached the dilapidated building. Joe looked out the window; then he let out a low sigh.“Yeah, that’s it,” Joe said.Joe’s hand reached for the door handle, ready to jump out and run in to help his friend. But Mr. Adam’s voice stopped him.“Don’t get out,” Mr. Adam said. He sounded so firm.Joe looked at him with confusion and desperation flooding his face. “But... I have to help him. I have to—”“No,” Mr. Adam cut him off. “You’ll stay in the car. I’ll handle this.”Joe’s heart sank. He didn’t want to stay in the car. He didn’t want to sit by while someone else saved Jerry. He felt helpless, the weight of everything pressing down on him. He leaned forward.“Please, let me come with you,” Joe begged. “He’s my best friend. I need to make sure he’s okay.”Mr. Adam glanced at Joe. “You’ve done enough, Joe. Trust me. I’ll get him. You’ll just slow things down if you come inside.”Joe swallowed hard, fighting the urge to argue. He wan
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Chapter 9: Past Secret
Joe walked behind Mr. Atlas, his footsteps echoing off the polished stone courtyard, each step feeling heavier than the last.“I know you may be wondering why you’re here,” Mr. Atlas said, his back still to Joe as they walked.Joe didn’t respond immediately. His throat was dry, and his mind too clouded to form any words. He simply nodded, though he doubted Mr. Atlas could see the gesture.Mr. Atlas stopped suddenly, turning to face Joe. He extended his arm, gesturing toward the sprawling landscape ahead of them. The estate stretched out as far as Joe could see, a vast expanse of grand buildings, meticulously kept gardens, and ornate stone structures. It looked like something out of a movie.“All of this,” Mr. Atlas said. “was owned by your grandfather. And my late uncle.”Joe’s head snapped up. “My grandfather?” he repeated.Mr. Atlas nodded. “Yes, your grandfather. I doubt you remember him, and that’s not surprising. You were just a baby when everything fell apart.”Joe furrowed
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Chapter 10: running from the past.
Joe ran, his feet pounding the pavement beneath him as he fled from the courtyard.Behind him, he could hear footsteps. Mr. Adam was chasing him, and no matter how fast he ran, the older man was catching up."Joe!" Mr. Adam's voice echoed. "Stop! You’re going to get yourself killed!"Joe ignored him. But he was running out of steam. The truth was, he didn’t know where he was going, and deep down, he knew he couldn’t outrun him forever.A strong hand suddenly grabbed his shoulder, yanking him backward. Joe stumbled, his feet losing their grip as he collided with the stone wall of a nearby building. He turned to see Mr. Adam standing in front of him.“Have you gone completely mad?” Mr. Adam barked. “Do you have any idea what you’re doing?”Joe pulled away, shaking his head. “I don’t want any of this, Mr. Adam! It’s too much. I never asked for this fortune, this... empire. I can’t handle it. It’s not who I am.”“Joe, I get it. I do. This is a lot to bear. But running away isn’t the an
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