
Looking for fantasy novels & stories? Fantasy novel is a type of fiction telling stories in a totally fictional world without real location, events and people, about magic power, supernatural creatures etc. MegaNovel offers a vast collection of popular fantasy novels and books online. Check the novels list below.

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Academy for Specials; The Ash Legacy
Alternate Universe Teenager Upgrade
Q-grade Specials, A-grade Specials, B-grade Specials, C-grade Specials, D-grade Specials and E-grade Specials. That's the order in which every Special in the academy had been ranked until Kastian shows up at a critical time of the school. After losing his parents in a ghastly car accident, Kastian had to move in with his Aunty who did nothing more than maltreat him and make him feel like he should have died in the accident too. However, Kastian's normal life takes an unexpected twist when he gets unreal abilities. Initially, he thinks he had gone mad but when things begin to get real, Kastian finds himself in the Academy for Specials. At first sight, the school is a perfect place for superhumans to grow their abilities away from the knowledge of ordinary humans while fighting bad guys from the shadows but the longer Kastian stays in the academy, he soon realizes that the downfall of the school had come. With the few Q-grade Specials the academy had ever known dead, the academy is nothing more than a playground for the biggest enemy to both mankind and Specials. It's almost impossible for him to control the prototype his parents left behind for him but when he finally gains control, he's merely an unstoppable force of nature. Kastian is the only hope of the school now; the only hope of the ordinary humans who had made his life a living hell. He doesn't know how long he can hold out until he loses control of his abilities again, but he knows that he's going to live up to his parents' legacy as the best Special the academy had ever known; the best Superhero the world would ever see.
Heir to the Ancient Scriptures
Harem Adventurous Warrior
Feni Setia
Fen Lian was an ordinary young man who was known as useless trash because he could not cultivate on his own among the others. Fen Lian was often insulted or alienated because, out of the many disciples, he was the only one who was slow in grasping knowledge. When the others advanced, he would only stay at the same level as before, with no improvement at all. Even though he had practiced regularly just like the others. But all that changed when he found an ancient book that he believed belonged to his father or grandfather in ancient times. The book contained ancient moves that were rarely learned by today's warriors. Thanks to studying the contents of the ancient book he found, Fen Lian is now a great cultivator because of the book he found. There was even one skill that Fen Lian had successfully mastered. It was called the Nine Sun Style, and it was known to be extremely difficult. It was so difficult that no one could master it. "I didn't expect that I could have this knowledge; it's fortunate that I met the ancient book that I had despised badly. Now it's actually very valuable to me," said Fen Lian while hugging the worn brown-bound book. "You'll see, I'll prove it to all those who have insulted me as a hobo. I'll make sure they bow in shame at my strength now!"
The Key: Book 2 The Rose Tree Chronicles
Tragedy Magic Alternate Universe
J. D. Buchmiller
A naiad faces two choices: do what it takes to save her adopted mermaid daughter, or risk her life and the lives of others to satisfy her own selfish desires. Which will she choose? Empress Renée has been told numerous times to lighten up. Her negativity and oppressive nature are effecting the health of Nadia, the only heir to the throne of the Five Oceans. She is informed that if she doesn't change her attitude by the time the rose bud on the key she is given has fully bloomed, Nadia will be sent some place where she can live a full and happy life. However, this key unlocks a wonder that Renée decides to take advantage of to end a personal problem she believes will solve everything. Meanwhile, as a result of her last adventure, Rein Bow remains a wingless pixie. When she learns that the empress plans to seek out the Mystery Miracle Worker, she decides to tag along since this is who can give her wings again. Unfortunately, traveling with someone who flaunts a key which the most power-hungry of people desire provides Rein with a whole new set of obstacles. Will Empress Renée submit to her own selfish desires, or will she do what it takes to save her adopted daughter? Can Rein help the empress see the light? Or will they both suffer at the hands of the many villains after the key? "The Key" officially sets "The Rose Tree Chronicles" in motion. Here is where the ocean meets the land, a collision unwelcome by most and if all seafolk are like Empress Renée, it may not be difficult to understand why. Fraught with personal struggles and new mysterious characters, "The Key" is the spark which ignites the inferno that is "The Rose Tree Chronicles."
Magic bxg Romance
On Diamant's 14th birthday, the strangest thing happened. A witch had almost killed her while warning her to stay away from the past. Diamant and her grandpa were people who lived on a survival skill of running and hiding from an unknown that relentlessly chased after them and threatened their lives. One night, this skill of Run and Hide met its end at the hands of a war brought upon their village by the mighty King of Alusa, the Dragon Lord. Having lost everything in the war, Diamant is driven by rage and grieve to seek revenge against the King. This is no easy task as she will get entangled in lies, conspiracy, betrayal, love, war and magic. In all these, she discovers there are important questions about her life that only the past has answers to. Will she delve into the past to seek these answers which may cost her everything including her life? Or will she face the present, forgo knowing these answers and live the life she is struggling to build for herself?
A scientist's Journey in a fantasy world
System Intelligent Witch / Wizard
World-renowned scientist and two-time Nobel prize winner Elric Mageia, due to an unexpected lab accident was suddenly transported to a western fantasy world. With only an accidentally soul-bound A.I chip, see how he uses his past life knowledge to conquer his new home.
Awakening of the Inferno
Tragedy Reincarnation Alternate Universe
5, 600 years ago, there emerged a man and a woman who transcended all beings and had otherworldly powers. And in their wake, they battled for supremacy. They destroyed entire mountains and split continents apart and shaped entire landscapes. The victor was a man, the representative of the light. He would later be known as the founder of the world’s dominant populace. He was loved by his subjects and feared by all and he bestowed this power upon his inferior subjects. Their physical capabilities were boosted, wounds would heal faster, senses were heightened and they could manipulate reserves inside themselves to be able to use their own powers. But, one was darkness incarnate and in her jealousy towards the Light, grew into hatred, so she created her own descendents to continue her will they were later called the monsters.
Teenager Action Fantasy
Your abilities are gained from the past you have lived. Young Tora is on a journey to change the current norm. will he have the power to do it or will he be consumed along the way?
Silver Skeletons: Book 3 The Rose Tree Chronicles
Magic Alternate Universe Drama
J. D. Buchmiller
If prophecies are destined to come to pass, how is it that even a queen can interfere with one? And what does it mean for the future of the kingdom? The silent battle between land and sea intensifies when Nadia is sent to reside with the Royal Family of Noelle, and Queen Ariana decides she has a much better idea. With the help of her retired White Knight, Sir Rallian, Nadia is enslaved and Ariana initiates her plan to make Noelle an empire again. However, the mutually beneficial relationship between the queen and former knight is under pressure when Sir Rallian discovers Nadia's value and Queen Ariana begins to question if the she made the right decision letting Nadia live. Will this powerful friendship withstand the test of greed? Meanwhile, the Royal Advisor, Polaris, looks a fool as what he announced to be a prophecy no longer appears as such. Furthermore, correcting the intended course of events is more complicated with the queen involved, not to mention Nadia is seafolk AND cursed. Poor Rein Bow also finds herself overwhelmed and powerless in helping Nadia, and she hopes that joining forces with Polaris and his resources against this cruel villain will be enough to deliver the princess-turned-slave. Will Polaris manage to save his reputation without committing treason? Will Nadia have the better life she was promised outside the ocean? The story of the descendants of King Jorge and Emperor Gerardo continues in this tension-packed Book Three of "The Rose Tree Chronicles." New unique characters are introduced and clash in this fight for a prophecy to be fulfilled. Powerful alliances are strained and personal feelings are mingled in politics. Read "Silver Skeletons" and immerse yourself in a world of war and prophecy.
Beautiful mystery
Ukinebo Glory
Have you ever felt so drawn to a person. You feel like you've known them your entire when you've only just met them; that's exactly what Noah felt when he saw her Who? Oceana - the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. He could have sworn she was the most beautiful girl on earth; but that's not the thing - she's a complete weirdo - strange...and unique. Millions of people on earth; countless countries; diverse universe Her name still lingers on. She's beautiful; not only beautiful but strange. She lives with her stepmom and stepsister, who have had her locked up all her life- because of the supernatural powers she possessed - they plan to use it to their favour. Noah after setting eyes on her for the first time, wouldn't stop thinking about her There's something about her -that he's sure of, but...he couldn't just figure out what it is. How did she get her powers? Why has she been locked up all her life by her family? Why's she the way she is - weird and strange?
The God & Devils’ War
Magic Reincarnation Twisted
Fransisco 1
Each year 8 people are transported in a new world where they are given the chance to join the war between the God and the Devil. They can choose either side and if they kill either the God or Devil they will get one wish granted by the one they chose.