"If that's what it is, sir… then you'll have to speak with our manager… no one has ever made such a purchase here to that amount here." The salesgirl said in a calm and gentle tone.

Keins Reels laughed sarcastically, he turned to his girlfriend who was watching Kendrick in anticipation of what was to happen.

"That's actually fine by me." Kendrick said."But that would be my sister's face if you're to put it out there." He said, pointing to Emily, and she grinned.

The salesgirl rushed to the receptionist's table, and pressed a bell, informing the manager of the purchase they were about to have.

The manager was astonished, Kendrick could hear her voice from the loudspeaker, it was loud enough that even Reels could hear her say, "...Please I'm coming to meet him."

Shocked rippled through Keins Reel's eyes when he saw the manager rush out towards Kendrick

"You're welcome, sir… I'm very sorry she allowed you to stand, can you follow me to my office please." She pleaded as she beckon
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