Soon, they arrived home and the giant gates paved way to the glittering Benz, the guards drove in first, then Kendrick followed behind.

Like a march of armies, the guards rushed to open the car door for Kendrick and his sisters.

As he alighted from the car, his eyes scanned the compound, then settled on Peace Churchill and Maverick sitting on the veranda, they quickly stood up when they saw Kendrick drop from the car.

Kendrick strolled in their direction and asked.

"What are you doing here, and how did you find this place?"

Peace clapped her hands and laughed. "You thought it was a hidden place?... You thought we wouldn't know where you live?"

Kendrick had a long day, he turned to see Emily and Evelyn walk into the house.

"I am not in for this drama today, can you go ahead and say what you want here?" He asked, but Peace kept talking out of point.

"You thought she wouldn't make it?... I came to inform you that she made it… she has a new house and a new ride." She
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