Author: Bunny bear
Chapter 0001


Ryvan Kesley opened his eyes when the morning sunlight slipped in through the curtain.

As he wanted to get up, he felt somebody was pressing on his left arm and a “big hemisphere” was held in his left hand.

Evan enjoyed pinching the hemispheric object because it was really soft!

When Ryvan turned, he saw a gorgeous woman with black hair and porcelain skin lying next to him.

Subconsciously, he pinched it a little harder.

Arabella Brandall let out a soft moan and opened her sleepy eyes, happening to meet Ryvan’s gaze.

Then, she widened her sapphire-like eyes and...

“Ah...” The scream echoed throughout the whole floors.

Arabella forcefully kicked Ryvan off the bed and tightly clutched the blanket to cover her attracting naked body with both hands.

Out of anger, she even picked a pillow and threw it at him.

“Bastard! What did you do?” Arabella asked.

“ As you can seems that we’ve done everything we could.” Ryvan replied.

“Pervert! How dare you sneak into my bedroom and do such things to me?” Arabella felt awkward and annoyed, her cheeks turning red.

“Well, but you were the one who initiated it. And this is not your bedroom but mine!” Ryvan defended himself, looking quiet innocent.

“Bullshit! How possible...” Arabella wanted to argue but she couldn’t finish her words as she looked around.


The memories of last night flashed through her mind.

Last night, she managed to escape with sheer willpower after being drugged in the bar.

But finally, it seemed that she knocked on a hotel room...

Having realized that she willingly offered herself to this ordinary man, the expression on Arabella’s face became extremely dejected.

She struggled to stand up, wanting to leave this unlucky place as soon as possible, but the pain from below made her furrow her brows. She roared in her heart.

“It was my first time! How could that jerk be so rough with me?”

Arabella glanced at Ryvan, who was barely dressed, and when she saw that conspicuous male-scented thing, she instantly held her breath, feeling horrified.

“How did I manage to fit such a big stuff inside me last night?” thought in her mind.

She felt so frustrated that she lost her virginity on such an ordinary man.

As the CEO of the Brandall Medicine, she must block the “news”.

Frowning, she glared at Ryvan with disgust and threw the scattered men's clothes to him.

"Put on your clothes, I don’t want to see that ugly thing!"

Then, she dressed herself, not caring if Ryvan saw her naked body.

After all, that man had already seen everything on her.

Ryvan looked at her with interest. It had been many years that no one dared to speak to him in such a tone!

Whether they were business tycoons or prominent politicians, princesses or queens, even some presidents of the developed countries were afraid to anger him.

However, when Ryvan saw the bloodstains on the sheets, his eyes slightly narrowed.

He hadn't expected that she was actually a virgin last night!

“I will assume my responsibility to you” Ryvan firmly promised.

“You? No, you can’t!” Arabella looked him over and said indifferently.

After pausing for a few seconds, she continued seriously, "Just forget it! For you and me, it’s just a dream. Don't attempt to interfere in my life, OK? Otherwise, you won't be able to pay the price."

Upon hearing this, Ryvan was stunned.

Wasn't it the same thing he had said to other women before?! Damn!

"But I'm powerful, I can give you everything you want. Lots of important figures show me their great respect!" Ryvan defended himself.

"Shut up!"

Arabella was almost losing her patience, even more disgusted by his boastful and nonsensical words.

She didn’t believe it because a real big shot would never choose to stay in such a rundown hotel!

"Remember! There's no possibility between us, and you can't tell anyone about what happened between us..." Alberla emphasized again, her face slightly red with embarrassment.

"As for compensation, this is for your good performance last night!" She took out a stack of bills from her wallet and threw it on the bed.

Afterwards, she turned and left directly.

Ryvan saw the “Benjamins” on the bed, feeling really astonished.

Was I paid by her?!

... ...

As Ryvan came out of the hotel, a luxurious business car had been already waiting there, and a middle aged man came out of the car.

“Captain, I’m Dave Claire, so excited to meet you here. I’ve heard about many of your legends.” Dave, the powerful president of the Chamber of Commerce, and the underworld boss in Atlanta, said with a respectful bow to Ryvan.

Meanwhile, Dave is also a peripheral member of the Crested Knights, A top organization that Ryvan had assembled.

Ryvan smiled to him and praised, “Dave, you look really a real big shot. It seems you’ve made great achievements here.”

“Captain, that's all thanks to help from the Crested Knights!” He said modestly, his eyes full of firm belief and respect.

Then he took out of two carefully wrapped boxes and spoke to Ryvan, “Captain, I’ve prepared these two presents for you, only to facilitate your life in Atlanta.”
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