Confrontations II

Lilian quickly closed the door, taking a few steps backwards. She was too frightened, that was the most frightening moment she ever experienced for a long time. How the hell was Tony standing in front of her doorstep? He didn’t even know where she lived. Who the hell did this? Lilian couldn’t stop asking herself the questions, she actually thought it was Katerina.

“Open the door Laurel, I just have a few questions to ask, I’m not hear for a reunion or anything.” Tony spoke from outside, he could see how frightened she was when she saw him.

That could mean two things; either she was scared that he had discovered what she had done or she was terrified seeing him again at the house he didn’t know about.

Tony was wearing a simple clothing, the same style he wore to Laurel’s family house just different colors. Although he knew Lilian wouldn’t have the time to think about his financial status when he starts confronting her.

Lilian walked back to the door, she was wearing an armless gown
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