Chapter 1
last update2023-07-27 17:21:23

Axel Dankworth waltzed elatedly towards Duncan Hillside High School for studies in search of Ryan Flannery his girlfriend.

He glanced at his wristwatch succinctly and was filled with euphoria about the fact that it was 7: a.m. and that he was prompt for school duties.

It was accustomed for class to commence at 8:am but it would be prudent for one to appear at 7:am in school to get set for the day.

He was amongst those that agreed to do this and it was counted unto him for his slight smugness.

He bounced towards the school walkway briskly and then moved towards his locker to place his bag thereafter unlocking it with his key.

He scrutinized the whole area in search of Ryan because he knew he wanted to see her.

They had both planned that they would meet at this particular time and space and he was flustered as to why he didn't see her.

He cupped his cheek as he glanced once more time and it was the same results.

"Hey Axel," Some students passing by greeted him succinctly and amicably as they passed by.

He greeted some in return while he was kind of absent-minded to reply to the others because of his current emotions.

With all the ruckus and ruffles from the bustling of the students, the school was still bereft of Ryan's presence.

"Was she sick?" He muttered inwardly then resolved to call her.

He placed a call to her and got no reply which swung his mood to a brusque one.

He felt that she was fickle to keep to her words and he had a plethora of issues to discuss about their relationship but she was not forthright.

His eyes twitched upwards when he glanced at the boys who were nicknamed and well known as the Hardy Boys because of their love for the WWE wrestlers The Hardy Boys and because they chose the name.

These boys were known to cause horrendous and nefarious acts in the school and everyone always cringed in fear of their presence.

Those in proximity began to exit the walkway when they sighted them to evade any troubles from them but only Axel remained.

This time, Axel was unfazed about their presence and acted callously gazing at them with an unblinking courage.

They were the bullies of the high school always looking for who to bully.

Hayden Fernsby was the head of the group followed by Silas Corbyn the next in line and then Rowan Villan, the next in line, also, Gael Sallow and lastly Waylen Raynott.

They were sons of rich notable men in Ephemeral City and it made them puffed up to perform unscrupulous acts and somehow go scott-free.

They always had a unique handshake signature that they fiddled with as a group which looked somehow exhilarating.

Axel had always been their victim but somehow because of his innocence and acts of not being cursory with them, he was always lucky enough to evade their troubles.

Axel knew one of the prominent reasons for the bully was the fact that he was a scholarship student, a fact which he never boasted about since he got into the school.

"Hey! Scholarship freak!" Hayden Japed. It was the accustomed nickname they always yelled at him with.

Their words danced delicately on the threshold of mockery and pierced him like usual.

His heavy gaze lingered on them as he looked fixated on them and not flinching backwards or shuddering in fear of their presence and he was kind of perplexed at why he was that way.

He then resolved to the fact that it was definitely because of his present brusque mood since he couldn't find Ryan.

"Hey! Aren't you going to reply to him," Silas barked effusively as he nudged Axel.

"What the hell do you want!" Their incredulous expression mirrored his disbelief at the audacious words that he had uttered.

"What the hell!" Rowan blurted out as he hit Axel's head while Gael clasped Axel's neck and Waylen sneered.

A chill ran down Axel's spine as their actions caused a disastrous domino effect on his emotions.

"Hey! Leave him first," Hayden commanded succinctly and they obeyed.

"So, can I ask you? How do you do it? I mean ended up as the prominent scholarship student of this High school," Hayden Japed with his lips twisting into a cruel grin.

Axel seethed through clenched teeth and felt his spine burn as he was already tired of their tirades.

"It's because he is poverty-stricken. Puny little turds like him are always known to get such scholarships, " Silas added and they all snorted and scoffed into laughter.

Gertrude Greer, the history teacher passed by and caught wind of everything that had happened.

"Would you all keep quiet!" He barked at them and they pretended to act in a kowtow manner.

"Follow me Axel!" He instructed and Axel followed after him because he knew that he was definitely to report the bullies to the headmaster.

"Those cheeky bastards!" He thought to himself as he waltzed to the headmaster's office with Gertrude.

When he got to the office, Gertrude told him to wait outside while he waggled in to report the issues.

His heart pounded in distress because he knew that Hayden's dad was one of the board members of the school.

Elias Fernsby was the richest Entrepreneur in the city and before he got to that stage, he became part of the board members since he was also the founding member.

After three minutes, Gertrude was out of the office with his eyes glittering with sadistic emotions.

Axel's brows furrowed as he curiously anticipated the news about what had happened.

"I'm sorry Axel, but you are expelled," Gertrude uttered in distress.

Axel felt giddy and grumpy as those words almost made him slump.

A quick chill ran down his spine as he finally regained the composure to speak.

"But what the hell did I do? I was just by myself when they troubled me. I am extremely innocent!" Axel hauled Gertrude's hands in desperation to implore him

"I'm sorry Axel. I wasn't the one that gave the verdict," Gertrude massaged his temples whacked off his mind and let out a low puff.

"I have to speak with them. I mean, Is this how students should be treated? As if they don't have rights just because of some red-bellied sapsuckers and dimwitted boys like the hardy boys!" Axel rumbled indignantly.

"You have to lower your voice. I'm sorry. It was Elias Fernsby the father of Hayden that gave the verdict since he is a member of the board," Gertrude implored.

Axel knew that was the end of his day in school and he had to leave at that moment.

"I'm so sorry," Gertrude implored again but he waltzed out from him in distress.

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