First Meeting


The door intimidated me through its silent stare. I was supposed to be in my class ten minutes ago but the trouble on the way to school impeded me from coming on time. The professor must have been inside, giving the lecture. I could sense the quietness in the room; no one had intrepidity to make a noise in his class. Lateness was the worst of all mistakes.

I dropped my gaze to the floor in front of the door, hesitating whether to stay or leave. Compelling to bark into the classroom meant that I had to take the risk of being punished and scolded; the professor wouldn't easily let me free of the punishment. On the other hand, my father would label me as a loser if I missed this class. He was so strict that I couldn't even breathe under his surveillance. Doing anything as he required was compulsory. That weighed me down like putting piles of stones on my shoulders. However, as his daughter, obeying him was a must. There was no time for me to complain as the time was running. I had t
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