Graduation Day


His face danced in my head. Shane made my days. His presence had brought another level of happiness to my life since our first meeting. I could not deny that I smiled more often these days. Mike finally noticed the change in me. That made him wonder what I'd been through that I acted differently.

I thought of sharing with him about how I felt. However, considering that my father would find out, I decided to keep it for myself. As a stringent person who wanted me to dedicate my life to education only, he wouldn't agree that I had affairs with any men in the academy during my study even if it was just a friend. It was only Mike, the one he supported, to have a relationship with me as a companion.

"You don't have any class today?" I was startled with Mike's abrupt coming. "Do you have free time?" The last few days, I was so busy with my study and photography class that I had no time for my friend.

"I have one more class but I am free now."

"What about having lunch together?" Hone
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