2. Gavin Halsley Alexavier

At exactly eight in the morning, gavin arrived at the office with his father and two half-brothers. today there would be a special meeting for the investors. if in the past gavin would be cold, then this time he would be friendly and get the investors on his side. if gavin wasn't treasure-crazy in the past, then it's different now. gavin will do anything including investigating the case that caused his mother and sister to suffer, and gavin will investigate the case of his father's death that feels odd.

if gavin starts moving now, will caesar survive?

all night gavin kept thinking about that. he hadn't gone back in time for nothing. god wanted him to fix everything. 

"are you okay?"

gavin turned his head, watching his father's face, which was no longer young. he was stunned when their eyes met. gavin could see the weariness and the love mixed together.

"i've never been okay, dad," gavin replied. he felt nervous and awkward because gavin usually called caesar Mr. Alexavier.

You're my son, Gavin. Don't let people think of you as the scum of the Alexavier family. I just want you to prove that you're capable."

Gavin only smiled slightly. In the past Gavin would have taken offense, but now Gavin understood. His father just wanted him to grow and process. Starting everything from scratch before he became a great person.

The meeting started five minutes ago, Gavin watched the investors one by one. His gaze stopped on Park Ha-Neul. The investor who invested 15% in Alexavier's mining company. He was the owner of Taesan Company.The richest man in Seoul.

Gavin smiled kindly when Park Ha-Neul looked at him. Gavin chuckled softly at the man's surprise. Maybe it was because today Gavin was spreading smiles for free, instead of his flat and unfriendly face like a statue.

Gavin shouldn't have to be in a meeting room like this. He was just the head of the marketing division. However, his father insisted. After all, who would dare kick Gavin out?

After the meeting, Gavin took the initiative to follow his father. He would approach the investors and get their attention.

"Mr. Park Ha-Neul," Gavin greeted. They both shook hands. Throwing smiles at each other. Gavin knew that Park Ha-Neul would be reliable for his future. In fact, until the end of his life, the man insisted on meeting Gavin. When Dean was appointed director, Park Ha-Neul was the only one who disagreed. In fact, he carried Gavin to replace the position.

"Gavin. You're a shining star among others. You really deserve to be a leader," Park Ha-Neul said, a little too much. However, Gavin liked it when he glanced at Dean's expression which turned sour.

Gavin agreed with Park Ha-Neul's words, the truth was that Dean would only overwhelm Gavin and Ed. They both worked like robots, while Dean went on vacation and had fun without caring about the state of the company.

Caesar laughed as he patted Gavin's shoulder. "He's my son. He's great just like me," he said. Gavin could see the look of hope and pride in Caesar's eyes. The old man smiled meaningfully. This made Gavin a little stunned. He had just noticed Caesar's hopeful gaze. Gavin realized that Caesar had always been proud of him. Even though the man never put himself in the same position as the other brothers.

One by one, people left the meeting room. So did Gavin. As he walked hurriedly and was about to open the door of the marketing division, his movement was stopped by someone's words.

"Ed will be the Finance Manager. You're just trash. Dad won't give you any more positions. He must be ashamed of having a son born from the womb of a madwoman!" Dean said mockingly.

"Treasure-worshipping devil!"


Instantly, a boisterous voice filled the office corridor.


The atmosphere was eerily quiet. Gavin could still feel the intimidating aura and sharp gaze of the man who was about to turn seventy. At the age of seven, he still looked fierce and arrogant. The man was a firearms manufacturer and drug dealer who had yet to be detected by the police.

Although this old man has a house like a palace. However, his wealthy assets could not match Alexavier's family.

"What do you want?" was the first word out of Robert's mouth. He chuckled while shaking his head. Smoking his cigar casually. Occasionally he chuckled at his grandson's battered face.

"Money. I want your money," Gavin said casually making Robert chuckle. Honestly, Gavin was sick of seeing his grandfather's annoying face. If it wasn't for his mom and sister, how would Gavin have gotten this far. He had always been reluctant to get close to his grandfather for fear that the old man's rottenness would be exposed and Gavin's name would be dragged along.

"You come to me only when you need to."

"My time is too expensive to visit you aimlessly. Ah, do I have to come here often? Isn't grandfather not going to live long?"

"Savage grandson!"

Gavin relaxed his shoulders. He sipped the black coffee slowly. Staring intensely at his grandfather. In the past, he had only visited Robert once or twice a year. However, it seemed like this time Gavin would see this old grandfather often. 

"Isn't your father richer than me?"

"I need your money, not Caesar's."

By now, Gavin was getting annoyed and angry. His grandfather was truly one of the most annoying people alive on this earth.

"I want to take my mom and sister away with my own money."

Robert laughed. He even hit the table a few times. "You've grown up, haven't you? I didn't know my granddaughter wasn't a doll anymore," he mocked.

Their conversation continued until almost twelve noon. Gavin smiled triumphantly because Robert was finally willing to give him the money to open the hotel and the car showroom. Gavin promised to return everything, but Robert refused.

"You have to be a successful person. Prove that you can stand on your own feet."

Gavin understood what Robert was saying. Everyone already knew that Gavin was nothing but trash to the Alexavier family. Besides being given a lowly position in the company, Gavin was also a flawed child in everyone's eyes. Without a normal mother and sister.

Two days after Gavin came to Robert. He started building the hotel. All of this could not be separated from Robert's help and support. Gavin also kept all this a secret from Caesar. If Caesar finds out, all of Gavin's plans will fail miserably.

Gavin is also still working at The Next. He changed his attitude to be more friendly and open. In fact, Gavin approached several investors for his goal to be achieved. They are Park Ha-Neul from Taesan, Andreas Maverrick from G-One company and many more.

Gavin's change in attitude attracted Caesar. He promoted Gavin to Finance Manager. This, of course, angered Hazel - Ed's mother. She openly waved the war flag against Gavin.

As at this moment, Gavin was just about to join the dining table for dinner. Hazel immediately gave him a cynical look. She even brought up the matter of Ed Franklin's appointment as Manager again.

"My son should have been more deserving. Even though the executives are in favor of Gavin, but the public is incessantly insinuating Euginia's problems. Isn't that---"

"Never mind Hazel. Everything is going smoothly anyway. Despite the public's incessant commentary, there has been no drop in stocks. In fact, diamond shops in some major cities are booming," Beatrice said. She smiled until her eyes narrowed. Her face was so relaxed and motherly.

Hazel spluttered. "I want my son to be the deputy director. Isn't that position vacant since Jack resigned? What do you think?" Hazel asked Caesar. She demanded an answer that matched her expectations.

"I'll consider it."

Gavin cast a quick glance at Hazel. The sly woman smiled triumphantly. Hazel had never changed. She would push Caesar to her satisfaction.

Gavin was very jealous of his two brothers who had gotten their positions without having to work as hard as he did. All they had to do was whine and everything was granted.

Gavin, on the other hand, started from ground zero. Even when he was in college, Gavin worked as an ordinary employee at his father's company. Gavin didn't know if Caesar loved him or if he never even considered him.

Gavin looked at each person at the table. He knew that everyone here was his enemy. Power struggles never knew brothers.

"Do you intend to leave this family, Gavin," whispered Ed who was next to Gavin. The man smiled wickedly when he got a glare from Gavin.

"None of your business!"

"Right, it's none of my business. But, I can report to the authorities if your grandfather is a drug dealer."

Gavin held his knife and fork tightly. "What do you want, Ed?" Gavin asked. However, Ed only smiled meaningfully.


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