Adam didn't know any of his mother's family members, nor has she talked about her family. All he knew was the rented apartment they lived in. Adam wanted his identity to be kept a secret so he changed his clothes into a simple one, and went to his neighborhood along with Stacey who carried a briefcase. He instructed his men to stay somewhere and wait for him.

Immediately they arrived at the neighborhood, his mother's mean landlord was already there. He had packed all his mother's belongings and threw them outside of the house. Their rent was due for five months unpaid rent.

“What the hell is happening here?” Adam asked, shocked by the action of the landlord.

“Oh speaking of the devil. I'm sick and tired of you and your wretched mother, she couldn't even pay up her rent. I've been patient enough for five months, and now I'm throwing her things away!” He said aggressively.

Stacey was pissed she was about to teach the man how to speak but Adam stopped her, he nodded for her not to do anything.

“How much is it?” Adam asked.

“Don't ask if you're not going to pay for it, I know how brok you and your mother are.”

“Just answer the damn question. How much is it?”

“A month is $1200, for five months it's a total of $6,000 dollars! Now I need my money or get the hell out of my house.”

“I wasn't asking about the rent, you noise maker. I was asking about the entire apartment.” Adam said.

“What do you mean?”

“I want to buy this apartment and use it as a graveyard for my mother.”

The landlord was stunned and speechless. “Look if you're trying to play with me—” he said pointing at Adam. Stacey grabbed his fingers and broke it with a blink of an eye.

The landlord cried in pain as he crumpled on the ground.

Adam sighed. “I told you not to do anything.”

“I'm sorry Lord Adam.” Stacey gestured, even if Adam told her not to, she can't stand seeing her boss get insulted in her presence.

“I'm so sorry about that Mr. Landlord.” Adam tried to apologize but the landlord screamed at him, “Don't come at me, get out of here or I'll call the police.”

“Relax, ten million. Will that be enough to solve everything? Adam asked nonchalantly.

The landlord paused for a bit and looked at Adam. “And where are you going to get that from?”

Adam gestured at Stacey and she opened the briefcase. It was loaded with dollars.

“That's ten million in cash, if you accept the deal, we sign the papers and the money is all yours.” Adam proposed.

The landlord was frozen in shock, he knew for sure the apartment wasn't worth close to ten million. At best it's $100k.

In less than thirty minutes Adam signed some papers as the new owner of the apartment. He instantly called some construction engineers to build a grave inside of the house and renovate the house, securing it with an iron gate and fence.

It was supposed to take more than a day, but Adam ordered twice the number of workers to make everything done before the night falls.

After they were done Adam and his men and Stacey rounded the grave and honored his mother, they all dressed in black, it was late at night. Adam chose that time so no one will ever know about anything. He rounded the grave with candles and after the ceremony they all ate and drank.

Adam made his last statement, honoring his mother. He swore on her grave to seek revenge, she would have still been alive if not for the Odias, he'll make them pay for their sins.

While everyone was eating Adam went outside. From tomorrow he'll start his revenge on the Odias, he'll make them pay for every single thing they did to him. He needed to finish everything within 6 days and return to his wife, if he's even a day late Sandra might be already engaged to Patrick and he might lose his wife.

The Next morning —

The Odia family all gathered including Drake, rejoicing about the good news. Ever since Adam was gone they were super happy that a heavy burden had left their shoulders. The good news was Drake and Racheal's wedding, which will take place in three days.

“This is one of the best news ever. And I'm sure it'll be the grandest wedding in the country.” Monica gestured excitedly.

“Yes mother, I will give Racheal the best.” Drake replied.

Racheal had been blushing the whole time, she will finally have the husband of her dreams that will buy her whatever she asks for even before she would ask for it.

“I'm so happy my sister is now married to the husband that she deserves.” Rhea said proudly, her gestures had finally paid, she had succeeded in kicking the scum son-in-law out of their lives.

“And also father in-law, I've spoken to my father, and he promised to sign the deal with you to partner with one of our largest endorsement.” Drake said to Mr. Luther.

“Really…oh wow, that's amazing. You are truly the best son-in-law. We are lucky to have you.” Luther has never been this nice to anyone, he's always a harsh type, but because of how influential Drake's family is, and the benefits he could get from them, he changed.

“Finally I can brag about having a worthy son-in-law.” Drake Said.

“What are we all doing, this calls for a celebration!” Theresa exclaimed.

“That's right.” Immediately they sent a maid to get them drinks.

Just then they noticed someone walking into the mansion. They all turned, their mouths dropped when they saw Adam standing at the entrance.

“Hello father in-law.” Adam greeted with a creepy smile etched on his face.

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