Mr. Luther felt his soul leaving his body, he was frozen in fear and shock. He thought Adam would be dead by now, he was expecting the police to return with the divorce papers and not this, he strictly told the cops what to do.

“Why are you all looking so shocked like you've seen a ghost?” Adam taunted with sarcasm.

“What the hell are you doing here Adam?” Racheal asked aggressively.

“Oh how irritating. It has only been a day and you're already planning a new marriage?” Adam walked closer to them.

“Get out of here Adam or else we're calling the police!” Monica threatened.

“Oh go ahead, you did call them the last time and they didn't do much of a thing.”

Suddenly Robin walked forward. “I'm going to beat you up if you don't leave now!” He said fiercely.

“Go ahead son, teach this nuisance a lesson!” Monica supported.

Adam smirked, “I'd like to see you try, Robin.”

“You're going to regret coming back to this mansion.” Robin snarled, his eyes blazed with fury as he launched a swift punch aiming directly at Adam's jaw.

Adam effortlessly caught Robin's fist, tightening his grip inducing pain on Robin's fist. Robin's eyes widened in agony, as he wrestled to break free from Adam's iron grip. But it was impossible.

Adam then twisted Robin's arm behind his back.

“Ahh! Mother!” Robin cried out.

“What's wrong with you, Adam ? Release him at once!!” Monica commanded.

“Adam, that's enough, let go of his arm, you'll hurt him.” Rachael added.

Adam's gaze was fixed at Robin, “Then maybe you should tell your son to keep his hands to himself.”

“You filthy bastard take your hands off my son now!” Monica spat.

“Call me that name again, I dare you.” Adam warned Coldly.

“Bastard!” Monica repeated the word tumbling her lips like a challenge.

Adam responded with a smile, in their presence he twisted Robin's arm forcefully breaking it. The loud bone crack was loud and brutal. Adam let him go. Robin crumpled on the floor screaming as he held his broken arm.

“Oh my God! What did you just do? Security!” Monica ran to her son.

The whole family stared at Adam in shock, no one has ever seen him so brutal, he used to be their useless and weak son-in-law, how could he be strong enough to break Robin's arm?

“You're crossing the line Adam. I won't let you get away with this for hurting my family.” Mr. Luther spoke up.

“You've done the worst you can do, there's nothing else you can do. Mr. Luther.” Adam challenged him.

“By the way, I came with this, since the officers couldn't deliver it, so I brought it personally to you.” Adam said, bringing out the divorce papers he signed while he was held captive by the cops.

“Where did you get that? Give it to me—” Mr. Luther tried to snatch the paper from Adam, but Adam was fast to move his hand away.

“Why the hurry, Mr. Luther. You don't have to worry, I've already signed the papers. But as long as you don't have it. There's no evidence to show that Racheal and I are divorced. In other words Racheal is still my wife!” Adam declared.

“You're crazy Adam. That will never happen, I'm getting married to Drake in three days time, he's far better than you, even if you live ten lifetimes you can't compete with him. You're my past and he's my present!” Racheal said, tightening her grip on Drake's arm.

“Oh shut up Racheal, I'm not saying this because I want you back, you foolish woman. I just want to ruin your happiness the same way you did to mine. And I have the upper hand legally, Racheal, you don't have a copy of the divorce papers with my signature on it, so you can't prove anything.

And without getting divorced with me you can't marry any other man. You're tied to me Racheal, until I decide to let you go. And I'll make sure that never happens.”

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