Racheal's eyes widened in horror, "No, Adam, can't be serious!”

Drake's face darkened. . "You're insane, Adam. We'll never let that happen.”

Mr. Luther gritted his teeth, "Adam, I implore you, reconsider. Racheal's life depends on that kidney. Taking it back would be murder.”

Robin, still nursing his broken arm, looked on in shock, his eyes darting between Adam and his family. "Dude, what's wrong with you? You're like a monster or something.”

“A monster? That's what you all turned me into. You took advantage of my kindness and now you shall pay for every single thing that you did.”

“This is immature of you Adam, if the money is your problem I'll give you double of it, just give us the divorce papers.” Drake chimed in, he has been quiet the whole time, scared of interrupting not to get involved in Adam's brutality, the last time he challenged, Adam broke his nose. But seeing how the situation was going he had to prove himself as the future son-in-law, and without those divorce papers he can't marry Racheal.

“So you all are scared of losing your daughter's life? But your father Luther here, didn't hesitate to have me killed!” Adam gestured.

“What are you talking about?” Monica asked in confusion.

“Oh, I guess he didn't tell any of you what he did?”

Mr. Luther was embarrassed, he tried not to make eye contact with any member of his family.

“This is uncalled for Adam.” Mr. Luther interrupted.

“Anyways I don't need your useless daughter, she's not in my league anymore. Here's the divorce papers, I've signed it. Whenever you're ready to have it, you have my number call me.” Adam said, he dipped his hands in his pocket and left.

“Good bye, we shall meet again at the wedding. Happy married life in advance.” Adam said afterwards.

Everyone was puzzled? He didn't even take the money even when Drake was willing to pay twenty million dollars, so why did he make a scene in the first place? Was he really serious about getting his kidney back?

“What are we going to do mother? I really need to get married to Drake, and without those papers it won't be possible. Do something mother!” Racheal nagged.

“What do you want me to do? Didn't everything happen in your presence? Adam has turn into a monster!” Monica replied angrily.

“If Adam really wants Racheal kidney, then his only intention is after her life. He's consumed by revenge. What do we do?” Rhea said with concern.

“Don't worry, I'll get those divorce papers. Nothing is stoping me from getting married to Racheal. I'll do anything in my power to get those papers before the wedding day.” Drake said with confidence.

“That's so kind of you Drake. Thank you so much.” Theresa said.

“Come help me Drake, let's take Robin to the hospital, his arm is damaged.” Monica said with emergency.

“Alright mother.” Drake rushed to her aid.

“I can't believe all the security let that bastard in here, I'll sack them right away!”

They helped Robin up, he was in so much pain, as they came out of the mansion they saw all their security on the ground, crying in critical pain.

“Oh my God, did Adam do all of these to them? But how can one man be this strong?” Racheal asked in disbelief.

Drake, feeling envious, said, “Not at all, I'm sure he came with some men.”

Monica walked up to one of the guards. “What happened here?” She asked.

“It's Adam ma'am, he came in, we tried to stop him but he beat up all of us within two minutes.” The guard said.

They all exchanged gazes at each other.

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