The next morning, Adam was in his hotel room, having a zoom meeting with the other Generals.

General Marco: Supreme General, we received your message from Stacey, however we still need you to return to duty. Our enemies have doubled in numbers during your absence, and our men in the border are struggling to keep the country safe.

“I am on duty Marco, trust me I know what I'm doing. But I can't reveal my identity, at least not now. For the safety of my wife.

General Daniel: We understand you, Supreme General, and we shall keep to that. But what about the strategies? We need strategies to tackle our enemies before they do to us the unspeakable.

“That won't happen Daniel, during the last war our forces destroyed a very large number of their army, they'll need an extra three years to rebuild that loss. What they are trying to do is send a threat, so we can attack. While doing so they will know the numbers and potential of our force, using that as a lead strategy to plot against us. We need to be smarter here.” Adam said with a slow and bold voice.

General Hatfield: and the Dead skulls?

“Stacey told me there's no news about them yet. They might still be in hiding after I killed their leader three years ago. For now we shouldn't worry about them.

General Marco: we have full faith in your Lord Adam. Welcome back.

They all hailed him. Suddenly Adam started hearing some noise from outside the hotel.

“I'll stop the meeting now, I want to check on something.” Adam closed the laptop, put on his shirt and went outside.

Adam came outside of the hotel and saw Drake, Racheal and some cops.

“You think you're going to get away? That's him officer!” Drake said, pointing at Adam.

“What is the meaning of this madness?” Adam's brow furrowed.

Some passerby had stopped to witness the drama, Drake was a popular figure so there was bound to be a crowd anywhere he went.

“This is what your stubbornness has brought you Adam. Give us the divorce papers this instant or you'll be taken by the officers!” Racheal chimed in.

“Listen to them and give them what they ask for or you'll be locked in jail!” The officer threatened.

Adam gazed at the officer with a death stare. The officer was startled and moved back a bit.

“What's the matter, officer, arrest him.” Drake pressured.

“Tha…that's right —” the officer stammered, he later got hold of himself and walked up to Adam.

“You're under arrest!” He said, avoiding Adam's gaze. The officer held Adam's hands and tried to put the cuff on.

“Don't you dare put that on his hand!” The authoritative voice of Stacey filled the air.

Everyone turned and saw an elegant woman cat walking to the scene, her hourglass shape made everyone's mouth dropped in lust, collective gasps filled the air.

Drake swallowed hard as he saw the beautiful woman walking down to them. Sure Racheal was beautiful but Stacey was just heavenly in comparison.

Stacey walked to the officer.

“And who are you?” The officer asked.

Stacey brought out her ID card and showed the officer.

“Oh my God…I'm sorry ma, I'll take my leave now.” The officer was suddenly shaken after seeing who Stacey was. He instructed his men to leave immediately.

“What's the matter, officer , where are you going?” Drake asked in confusion.

“I'm sorry Mr. Penthouse, but I can't arrest this man.” That was the only thing the officer said before leaving.

“What? Wait—” Drake tried stopping him but it was too late, the officer entered into his van and sped off.

“I'm sorry for coming late, Lord Adam.” Stacey said and Adam immediately gestured for her not to calm him Lord in public.

“Sorry. I mean A—dam.” She felt uncomfortable calling him by his name.

“Who the hell are you?” Drake asked, wondering who she was to have made the officers flee away by just showing her ID card.

"Tsk. We're not even properly divorced yet, and you've already found yourself a little slut!" Racheal spat, she was envious of Stacey's outstanding beauty.

“Let me handle this Adam.” Stacey said.

She strode confidently towards Drake, her eyes locked on his, before shifting her gaze to Racheal. Abruptly she delivered a stinging slap to Racheal's face. The slap echoed, Racheal's head snapped back, her eyes widened in shock as she stumbled, her legs buckling behind her. She crashed on the ground. The onlookers gasped in a state of confusion and disbelief.

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