Mrs. Penthouse intervened, her voice shrill. "How dare you talk to my husband in such a manner! Security!" she barked.

The guards marched in promptly, their faces stern. "How did this man get in here?" Mrs. Penthouse demanded.

"He came with an invite, ma'am," one of the guards replied, his voice hesitant.

Monica's eyes narrowed. "An invite? How did he get it?" she wondered aloud, her voice laced with suspicion.

Adam just smiled, his eyes glinting with triumph. "Surprising, isn't it?" he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm, as he held up the invitation card.

"Haven't you done enough already?" Mr. Luther thundered, his face red with rage. "You broke my son's arm, humiliated my daughter and son-in-law in public... What more do you want? Leave this hall, Adam, before things escalate further!"

Adam's smile grew wider as he gazed at the furious family. "Oh, haven't you guys heard the news? I thought it would have reached you by now."

Mr. Luther's anger turned to confusion. "What news? What are you talking about?"

Adam's mocking smile grew even wider. "Zeus Hotel has been bought by someone," he announced.

The room fell in silence.

Monica crossed her arms, her expression unyielding. "And how does that concern us? We've paid for the hall's services."

Adam's smile grew wider as he nodded to someone behind him. Stacey walked in, her confident stride commanding attention. Drake and Racheal exchanged uneasy glances, while the others couldn't help but admire her beauty.

"Who are you, and what do you mean?" Mr. Penthouse demanded, his voice firm.

Stacey's gaze swept the room before settling on the family. "I'm Secretary Stacey, representing Mr. White, the new owner of Zeus Hall. And I'm afraid you'll all have to leave. The hall is no longer available for events."

Rhea's eyes narrowed. "What are you talking about? We've paid for the hall, and what evidence do you have to back up this claim?"

Stacey's smile was icy as she produced a document from her folder. "This is the deed of ownership, signed by the previous and new owners. Zeus Hall is now private property, and Mr. White doesn't want it used for public events.”

"And regarding the rental f*e, please note that a full refund has been credited to your account. You can verify this at your convenience," Stacey stated, her tone firm but polite. "Now, with all due respect, I must ask you to vacate the premises immediately."

Mr. Penthouse's face reddened with indignation. "I don't know who this Mr. White is, but I am Mr. Penthouse, and I demand to speak to your superior. Perhaps if he hears my voice, he'll reconsider this...this absurdity!"

Stacey's expression remained unyielding. "There's nothing to reconsider, Mr. Penthouse. My boss is unavailable, and I won't be intimidated by your name. You have ten minutes to leave the premises, or we'll be forced to take legal action."

Racheal's eyes widened in horror as her face contorted in distress. "No...this can't be happening! Not on my wedding day! No!!" she cried, her voice shrill with despair. Drake tried to calm her down, but Adam's taunting voice only added to the chaos.

"Don't give her false hope, Drake," Adam sneered, his eyes glinting with malice. "This wedding is over, and there's nothing you can do to save it.”

"You're a wicked soul, Adam!" Drake spat, his jaw clenched in rage. "You've brought your bad luck to my wedding and ruined everything. I'll kill you for this!"

Adam sneered. "Didn't I tell you all earlier? I'll never let this wedding happen or allow you to leave happily. Not until you pay for your crimes."

Stacey stepped forward, her voice firm. "You have five minutes left to leave. Please, don't make me call security."

With a loud, clear voice, Stacey announced to the entire hall, "Ladies and gentlemen, there will be no wedding today. Please, kindly leave the premises. This event has been canceled."

Anakin Detour

Hello readers, thanks for reading this far. I'll appreciate a review as it will be a form of encouragement to the author. And be assured I'll give you quality chapters. Thanks

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