The famous Hall, Zeus Hall, had been rented by Drake. This has become the number one trending topic on the Internet. Zeus Hall was a grand Hall, only ever used by famous celebrities and millionaires and Drake renting the hall for his upcoming wedding was a record on its own.

Adam was at a restaurant, a meal was served on his table, but he was more concentrated on his phone, scrolling through the Internet, before Stacey came in.

“Good morning Lord Adam.” She greeted.

“Hello Stacey. Did you get everything ready?” Adam inquired.

“Yes, everything is ready. The plan will be set in motion tomorrow right at the wedding ceremony.” Stacey replied.

“That's great. They may think it's all over because we gave them the divorce papers, but the bigger picture will be displayed tomorrow.” Adam smirked.

“Have you called your wife since you came here?” Stacey asked.

“No, I haven't,” Adam said. “I don't want to be distracted, tomorrow everything will be done and we'll return back to Ray City.”

Stacey nodded, “Alright Lord Adam.”

“Join me for breakfast.” Adam gestured.

“Sure, thank you.” Stacey said with a smile, she took a seat and picked up the menu before placing her order.


The day of the wedding finally arrived, and the Odia family was abuzz with excitement. Their daughter, Racheal, was marrying the heir to the penthouse, and the celebration was going to be the biggest in their family's history.

Racheal looked stunning in her white wedding gown, and her sister Rhea couldn't help but compliment her. "You look absolutely beautiful, Racheal. You're going to make a gorgeous bride."

Racheal beamed with joy. "Thanks, Rhea. I feel like today is going to be the best day of my life."

Monica, smiled proudly. "And we're thrilled to welcome our soon-to-be son-in-law into our family. He's proven himself to be a true love, boldly taking those divorce papers from Adam. He's more than worthy of our daughter's hand."

Monica took Racheal's arm and led her outside, where a fleet of cars waited to transport the family to the wedding hall. They all piled in and drove off, eager to start the celebration.

The Odia family arrived at the hall. All the guests had arrived, and many important people in the city were invited. Drake's parents went over to greet their new in-laws.

“Mr. Luther.” Mr. Penthouse stretched his hand for a firm handshake.

“Hello Mr. Penthouse.” Mr. Luther replied, smiling.

The two families exchanged pleasantries while everyone else was making themselves comfortable in the hall. It was heavenly decorated, with flowers and fancy lights.

“Oh, the priest has arrived. Let's get ready.” Monica announced in a haste.

Everyone arranged themselves at their seats. The priest walked down to the stage-like front of the hall, it was time to begin the ceremony. The Hall became super quiet, everyone waiting for the priest to begin.

Just as the priest was about to begin the ceremony, a sudden, booming voice shattered the silence. "Excuse me! Am I late?" Adam's loud, confident tone echoed through the hall, sending shockwaves through the crowd.

Racheal's eyes widened in horror as she whispered, "Adam? What's he doing here?"

The hall erupted into a chorus of whispered murmurs, with guests exchanging worried glances.

"Who's that?"

"Why did he interrupt the priest?"

"Is this part of the ceremony?" The air was thick with tension and confusion.

The Odia and Penthouse families immediately stood up, their faces etched with concern. They knew exactly who Adam was, and his presence spelled trouble. They marched down to the entrance, where Adam stood, a sly grin spreading across his face.

Monica's voice trembled with rage. "What in heaven's name are you doing here, you worm? Today of all days? Leave now!"

Adam chuckled, his eyes glinting with mischief. "Calm down, Mother...or should I say, Racheal's mother? I'm her ex-husband, after all. Shouldn't I be welcomed with open arms?"

Rhea stepped forward, her voice firm. "You're no longer part of our family, Adam. You never were."

Mr. Penthouse, his face red with anger, threatened, "I don't know who you are, young man, but I'll have you thrown out of here if you don't leave immediately."

But Adam remained unfazed, his voice dripping with defiance. "I'm not going anywhere. You can't order me around, old man."

The congregation gasped, shocked by Adam's bold challenge to the influential billionaire…

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