"This is utterly humiliating," Theresa lamented. "What will I tell all my friends?"

Mr. Luther's expression turned stern, his patience wearing thin. "Theresa, please. This is no time for frivolous concerns. We're facing a crisis that could destroy our reputation, and you're worried about what your fair-weather friends will think? The ones who only invite you over for drinks, but offer no real support?"

The whole family was venting their frustration, their voices raised in distress, when suddenly Mr. Penthouse's phone rang, shrill in the tense atmosphere. He answered, his assistant's voice on the other end, and his expression turned even grimmer

"Hello, Jerry,"

"Hello, Mr. Penthouse. I've got devastating news," Jerry replied in a panic. "A disaster has struck the office. All our business partners and shareholders have severed ties with us, effective immediately. As I speak, our company is going bankrupt!"

Mr. Penthouse shot up from his seat, his face ashen. "What!? How is that possible!?" he thundered.

"I don't know, sir," Jerry stammered. "The only explanation they gave was that your son, Drake, offended someone he shouldn't have. I'm sorry, Mr. Penthouse... I'm also resigning, effective immediately." With that, the line went dead.

Mr. Penthouse's eyes widened in horror as the phone slipped from his grasp, his body frozen in shock. He swayed precariously, as if struck by an invisible blow, his face pale and clammy. For a moment, it seemed as though he might collapse from a heart attack.

But Drake reacted swiftly, catching his father's sagging form and holding him upright. "Dad, Dad, what's wrong?" he cried, an alarm etched on his face.

The room erupted into a state of curiosity as the others rushed to Mr. Penthouse's side. "Mr. Penthouse, are you okay?" someone asked, voice trembling with concern.

"What's happening? What's going on?”

With a sudden outburst, Mr. Penthouse sprang to his feet and delivered two stinging slaps to Drake's face, the sound echoing through the room. "You... what have you done!" he bellowed, his eyes blazing with fury.

Mrs. Penthouse rushed to her husband's side. "What happened, honey? What did Drake do?"

Drake stood frozen, his eyes fixed on his father with a bewildered expression, his cheeks stinging from the slaps.

Mr. Penthouse's spat, "Jerry just called me. All our business partners and shareholders have terminated their deals with us. Our empire is crumbling, and it's all because of this fool!" He jabbed a shaking finger at Drake. "He offended someone he shouldn't have, and now we're paying the price!"

The room fell silent, with all eyes fixed on Drake in confusion and shock.

“I never offended anyone.” Drake said he was sure of himself that he hadn't gotten into a fight with any billionaire or anybody of high status. Who could be the person he offended?

“But who did he offend?” Mrs. Penthouse asked.

“Why don't you ask this stupid son of yours. He'd ruin our lives completely. All because of getting married he had put us in a mess.”

“Calm down Mr. Penthouse, marriage has nothing to do with this.” Mr. Luther said.

“This is in fact you and your daughter's fault. Ever since my son met your daughter he had been facing many troubles. The very first day he visited he got beaten up, and ever since he has had no peace. I'm calling this marriage off!” He declared.

Everyone gasped. Racheal's eyes widened, tears flowed freely as her mouth shivered.

“Dad, it hasn't gotten to that.” Drake pleaded.

“Don't tell me anything! This family has a curse moving with them. And that curse is Racheal!”

“I know this may be hard for you, but don't refer to my daughter as a curse! Mr. Penthouse!” Mr. Luther spoke.

Suddenly everyone received another notification almost at the same time. It was a video that surfaced online, the cops who confessed that Mr. Luther sent them to get rid of Adam, and forced him to sign the divorce papers.

Everyone covered their mouths with their hands in shock.

“I said it! This family are all a bunch of criminals!” Mr. Penthouse growled.

“What did you do father?” Rhea was shocked.

All of a sudden the authorities barged into the mansion. The officer walked up to Mr. Luther.

“Mr. Luther, you're under arrest for an attempt to murder. All your assets and property have been seized by the government. Including this mansion, and all your family's bank accounts will be frozen permanently!” The officer declared.

“What hold on, this may be a mistake. Adam is alive, he isn't dead.” Monica pleaded.

“You'll have to provide your lawyer then. But for now, our orders are to arrest him. He's now a criminal.” The officer gestured and the cops took Mr. Luther away.

“Let's get out of here, our reputation is already on the line mingling with criminals!” Mr. Penthouse spat as he left with his family.

Racheal screamed with all her might, meanwhile Rhea was also regretting all her decisions. All these were because they wronged Adam, could he be the person that the penthouse also offended? No he can't be him, he's still a broke man.

“Are you satisfied now! You two have brought shame and ruin to our family. And now we're all done!” Monica blamed her daughters.

“You were also part of this plan, mother. You were the one who continuously forced me to divorce Adam! I hate you!”

The family continued blaming themselves, the officer returned and gave Monica a quick notice.

They have 24 hours to leave the mansion.


Adam stood at his mother's grave. It was so unfortunate that she wasn't alive to witness who he truly was and enjoyed his unlimited wealth. But maybe it all happened for the best. Adam was satisfied he had finally avenged the injustice done to him and his mother.

From now on he'll not tolerate disrespect and anyone who tries to hurt him or his loved ones, he'll bring his enemies to his knees.

Stacey walked to him. “I believe we're done, Lord Adam. What's our next move?” She asked.

“We'll leave tonight. Tomorrow's Sandra's forced engagement with Patrick. I'll need to be there before it happens and stop it.”

“Roger that, Lord Adam. I'll get the jet ready.”

“I'm coming home Racheal. To set you free!”

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