Back at Ray City, Sandra stood in front of a mirror, she was dressed up. Today was the engagement day and if Adam failed to come quickly, she would be someone else's.

“Where are you, Adam?” Sandra said worriedly, she caressed her wedding ring, tears ran down her cheek with the realization that she'll no longer be with Adam forever.

Suddenly her phone rang, it was her mother calling. Sandra immediately wiped the tears off her face, sniffed in and maintained a normal voice. “Hello, mother.”

“Where the hell are you? The event will start soon and the Browns are on their way.” Her mother barked from the phone.

“I'm done, I'll be on my way.”

“You better hurry up! And you better dress nice, don't ruin this day for us, like you always do, I don't want any embarrassment today. Understood?!” Her mother spat, ending the call.

Sandra sighed, her mother told her to dress elegantly, but she just chose to wear a simple red gown that still looked pretty on her. Sandra took an army scarf and rounded it on her neck. It was a gift Adam gave to her before he went to war, it was very special to her.

Sandra arrived at the Kingsley’s Mansion, her family's house. The place was decorated and the event had started already, all her family members were present, with other guests. They all stared at her irritatedly as she walked in.

“Come here!” Her mother, Martha dragged her by the arm. “Why'd you take so long, everyone had been waiting for you.”

“I'm sorry, mother, I was getting myself ready.” Sandra replied respectfully, Martha let her go.

“I was expecting you to look outstanding with the much time you took in getting ready.” Maya, her bittered cousin, mocked.

Sandra ignored her, she had always known Maya as a troublesome person. Sandra went to greet her grandfather, the patriarch of the Kingsleys. “Grandfather —”

He raised his hands to stop her from touching his feet. Sandra is the most beautiful female in her family, but because she couldn't use her beauty to get herself a wealthy husband she has lost all respect. Especially when they thought Adam was dead, or probably dumped her for another woman. To the extent even her junior cousin Maya talks to her disrespectfully.

Sandra decided to take a seat along with the family. But then, Maya puts her hand on the only seat available.

“I'm sorry but that seat is for my husband.” Maya said.

“What do you mean, I'm your elder.”

“Have you forgotten the rules? Whoever gets married has more rights in the family. I'm married with a wealthy husband Sandra, meanwhile you're stuck wearing a wedding ring for a man who left you, or is probably dead.” Maya Taunted. The crowd gasped.

“Adam is not dead, he's alive.”

“Oh yeah, of course he is. He's alive with another woman. Tsk.” Maya scorned, resulting to laughter amongst the crowd.

“Maya is right, she's married and you're not. So until you get a husband you'll stand.” Maya's mother said.

Martha felt embarrassed, if only her daughter had listened to her she wouldn't have been facing this humiliation. But no, she decided to wait for a man that couldn't even afford her needs.

“And what's that you're putting around your neck Sandra? Are you going to disgrace us in front of the Browns with that cheap scarf?” Maya jeered.

“It doesn't matter if it costs less, all that matters is that it's given to me by someone special.” Sandra responded.

Maya stood up from her seat, she pulled the scarf from Sandra's shoulder and tossed it into the fireplace.

“What's wrong with you, Maya!” Sandra clenched her fist.

“What are you going to do about it?” Maya sneered.

Sandra was about retaliating before the Browns arrived.

The family stood up and exchanged pleasantries. “Welcome Mr. Brown.” Grandfather greeted me.

Patrick walked up to Sandra. “Hey, babe. Are you ready for the day?” He said putting his hands around her waist. Sandra pushed his hands off.

“Stop it, Patrick.”

“Why are you still resisting? We're getting engaged today.” Patrick said authoritatively.

‘Come on Adam, what's taking you so long!’ Sandra said within her.

Suddenly a voice erupted. “Get your hands off her, or I'll shatter your bones this instant!”

Adam walked into the mansion, his fist clenched.

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