The Kingsley family was frozen in utter disbelief, their faces etched with shock and confusion. "Adam?" someone whispered, as if unsure if they were seeing a ghost. "He's alive?" another voice trembled.

Patrick, bewildered by the sudden interruption, asked, "Who's that?" his eyes scanning the room in confusion.

Adam's response was icy and deliberate. "I'm Adam Manchester, Sandra's husband." His voice sent a shiver down the spines of those present.

Adam closed the distance between himself and Sandra, his eyes locked intensely on hers. He grasped her hands, pulling her away from Patrick's grasp. Sandra's heart soared with uncontainable joy as she swiftly moved to stand behind Adam, her eyes shining with tears.

As Adam stepped forward, his presence commanding attention, he thundered, "I've come to reclaim my wife. This engagement is not happening. It will never take place!" His voice echoed through the room, leaving no doubt about his intentions.

“Stop feeling like a god Adam, just because you returned after three years, doesn't change your status. You're still nothing but a common soldier. Know your place!” Maya spat.

Grandfather's eyes narrowed, his tone laced with disdain. "And what brings you back, Adam? Why now, after all these years?”

“To claim back my wife.”

"You think you can just waltz back in and claim Sandra after abandoning her for so long? She's moved on, Adam. She's engaged to Patrick, and nothing will stop that wedding from happening!” Martha declared.

Adam's eyes blazed with determination. "I am Sandra's husband, and no amount of time or circumstance can change that. No one can take that away from me.”

Mr. Brown's voice boomed, "What's the meaning of this commotion?"

Martha hastily intervened, "Please, Mr. Brown, don't be alarmed. This is just a minor misunderstanding. We'll resolve it promptly.”

Patrick’s face twisted with indignation.“Sandra, are you really choosing a common soldier over me?”

“Well this common soldier is my husband.” Sandra replied bodly. Having Adam by her side is all she needs to go against anyone.

“You're really pathetic Sandra, just when I thought you've finally come to your senses and will accept Patrick's proposal, you changed your mind?” Maya sneered.

“Sandra never agreed to this. You all forced her to get married, because of a debt you owe the Browns. My wife is not an object that will be treated this way. I won't tolerate this disrespect!” Adam said authoritatively.

“I don't understand what's going on here. Mrs. Kingsley, you told me your daughter was not married, so what is going on here?” Mr. Brown said furiously.

“Please give us some time, we'll rectify the confusion.” Martha gestured.

“You better, otherwise be prepared to pay the debt. We're leaving.” Mr. Brown ordered his family to leave the mansion. Patrick glanced at Sandra one more time before leaving.

Grandfather was boiling in rage, just when it though his granddaughter

Would be useful to the family for once, she once again ruins everything.

“What did you just do? What have you done, this is your only chance to redeem yourself in the family. And you blew it!” Martha scolded.

“Sandra did nothing wrong.” Adam defended.

“I was talking to my daughter not you so—”

“I'm her husband, I can speak for her!”

“Sandra, you're the eldest granddaughter of this family. Yet you can't marry someone rich to support your own family, you're beautiful and of high standard, yet you settled for this loser.” Jeremy, Sandra's younger brother spat.

“I'm losing my mind Martha. Talk to your daughter or I will do something awful. My son borrowed that money fifteen years ago, to save this family's business from crumbling. And it is her duty as his first child to repay that debt.” Grandfather declared.

“Please father, I'll talk to her.”

Martha walked hastily and grabbed Sandra by the arm. “Listen to me Sandra. I'm your mother and I want the best for you, Patrick is a good man and the Browns are heavily rich. They have a high position in Bulgart Industry, the largest in the country. You will live the best life if you accept to marry Patrick.” Martha tried to convince.

“But mother, I'm not interested in Patrick. Adam is the perfect man for me.” Sandra replied.

“You worm, the Bulgart was not only to cancel the debt we owe them, but were also willing to secure a contract in Bulgart Industry for us. Do you realize that your decision can affect our lives drastically?” Grandfather stomped his feet.

“What if I secure a much better contract in Bulgart Industry, will Sandra finally receive the respect she deserves?” Adam asked.

The entire family laughed. “What a joke? You think Bulgart Industry is some local military company? You can't even be accepted as a janitor there.” Maya mocked.

“You poor trash, don't you ever mention the Bulgart Industry in that worthless mouth of yours. If someone outside hears you, you might ruin our chance of securing the contract.” Maya's mother abused.

“You think this is a comedy show?” Martha's brow furrowed.

“No.” Adam said firmly, he walked up to grandfather with his shoulders high.

“Let's make a deal grandfather. If I secure a deal with Bulgart Industry in the next 7 days, everyone in this family will kneel and apologize to Sandra for the humiliation you caused her.”

He paused, his voice taking on a steely tone.

"But if I fail to secure the contract, I will walk away from Sandra's life forever, leaving her to the fate you've chosen for her.”

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