“What are you saying Adam?” Sandra touched his arm.

“Haha, you think this is a movie? You'll be tossed aside, and will crumble at your own defeat.” Maya chuckled.

“You have nothing. Yet you have so much pride, you beat!” Martha clenched her jaw.

“Do you realize what you're asking for?” Grandfather asked in disdain.

“Adam. Please, you don't have to do this, you don't have to prove anything to anyone.” Sandra tried to stop him, she believed he was only saying all these to save her from further humiliation, and she was certain Adam didn't have the connection to secure a contract in Bulgart Industry.

“Yes, grandfather. I'm very much aware.”

“Very well then, I'll accept your deal, but I will add more conditions.”

Grandfather spoke, as everyone was waiting in suspense for the conditions he was going to include.

“If you are able to secure a contract with the Bulgart for us, Sandra will be the heir of this family. As a matter of fact, whoever is able to secure a contract will be the heir of this family. But if you fail to do so, not only will you leave my granddaughter, but she will also be appreciated and disowned by this family. Permanently!”

Martha gasped, covering her mouth with her hands. “Please father, this is too harsh.” She pleaded.

“I have made my decision!” He declared.

“And I accept your terms!” Adam said boldly.

“What are you doing Adam, this isn't necessary.” Sandra said.

“You wicked man, you've come back after three years, only to ruin my daughter's life and tear our family apart. I'll never let you succeed.” Martha accused.

“Sister, you have to listen to your mother and marry Patrick. Can't you see he's putting you in trouble?” Jeremy chimed in.

Amidst the chaos and insults, Adam walked to Sandra and looked her in the eyes. “Do you have faith in me, Sandra?” He asked.

“Yes—yes I do.” She replied, almost like a whisper.

“Very well then, let's go home.” Adam held her hand firmly, and walked her out of the mansion.

Adam and Sandra arrived home.

“You really didn't have to make that deal with grandfather Adam. I know you did that to protect me, but you know we can't win. We have no influence inside the Bulgart Industry. How are we going to do it?” Sandra asked worriedly, almost panicking.

“I wouldn't have made that deal if I didn't have a plan.” Adam said, sounding unbothered, seated on the couch.

“And what if your plan fails? You're going to leave me forever?”tears ran down Sandra's cheek.

Adam immediately stood up from the couch and moved closer to Sandra. “That's never going to happen babe.” He wiped away her tears. “I'm never going to leave you, and I promise we won't lose.”

“I have to get ready Adam, I have somewhere to go.” Sandra said.

“Where? Work related?”

“Yes, I have a friend I'd like to propose an offer to.” Sandra replied promptly.

“You want me to follow you?”

“No, it's short office work, I'll be back soon.”

“Alright, just keep me updated when you get there.”

“I will.” She kissed Adam, heading to her room to change.

Immediately she was out of sight, Adam brought out his phone and dialed Stacey's number. “Hello Stacey.”

“Hello Lord Adam.” Stacey picked up immediately and the phone buzzed.

“There's something I need you to do for me.”

“Sure, Lord Adam. Just make the command.”

“The Bulgart Industry, I want you to buy it.”

“Alright Lord Adam, when do you want me to do that?” Stacey asked.

“As soon as possible, get all the paperworks ready, when you're done tell me, and I'll come over to sign.” Adam instructed.

“Consider it done, Lord Adam.” Stacey said without complaining or any form of delay.

Adam ended the call, a smirk escaped his lips. After buying the entire Bulgart Industry, he's going to make the Kingsleys regret their actions.

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