Chapter One Hundred & Eighty-Eight

Clara had checked two hallways already and was walking in the direction of the third hallway when she heard a crashing sound and froze.

Has she been caught? She asked herself. Slowly turning back, she looked around and there was no one so she knew it had to come from one of the rooms. She also noticed that one room at the far end of the hallway was locked so she retraced her steps back to the door.

She listened carefully before picking up the keyhole and entering the room.

Immediately she entered, her heart stopped beating for a second.

It was the lifeless body of Melanie.

Clara turned to the door and quickly shut it, she knew that leaving it open was an unwise action and it was safer to close it.

She surged towards the place Melanie lay and started crying.

When Melanie was looking for routes of escape, she heard someone coming towards the door and so she quickly went back to bed, pretending to be unconscious.

The door opened but she couldn't open her eyes because she didn't want to
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