Chapter 2251
The following morning, Dustin left his room and went to the villa's garden to appreciate the lush scenery.

He and Grace accepted Alicia's invitation to stay at the villa overnight to ensure the sisters' safety after the recent assassination attempt. Plus, Grace wanted to catch up with Alicia. Thankfully, the rest of the night passed without any disturbances.

Alicia's condition remained stable. She showed no adverse effects due to her good foundation.

Dustin strolled through the garden and noticed the villa's gate opening. A convoy of luxury cars drove in and came to a stop. Then, a group of uniformed Celestial Alliance disciples quickly exited the vehicles.

Unlike the regular disciples, these were the elite enforcement team. They were specially selected for their exceptional skills and loyalty.

The team was seldom deployed as they were reserved exclusively for dire circumstances at the discretion of the guildmaster and the elders. Their appearance always signaled the seriousness o
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