Chapter 6: Confronting Two-Meter-Tall Zombies!

Looking at the attribute table, Memphis understood a bit more. It turned out his experience gained was proportional to the monster's level. So, the stronger the zombie he killed, the greater the benefits, and there was a chance of loot drops!

The breakthrough point increased to 11%, but he still didn't know its use.

Taking a deep breath, Memphis cautiously stepped forward, his eyes constantly scanning for information on zombies, ready to respond quickly.

Next to his office was the secretary's room. Holding the bat in one hand, Memphis carefully turned the lock with the other. He wanted to see if Amanda was still human or had turned into a zombie.

If she is human, Memphis thought, he would try to investigate her situation a bit. If she is a zombie, he wouldn't mind giving her a whack to gain some experience points.

Click, click...

Click, click, click...

The door suddenly opened, and Memphis's body tensed into a defensive stance. However, after observing, there was no one inside. Maybe she was in the director's office, or perhaps she had been eaten somewhere else.

He quickly closed the secretary's office door and quietly stepped over to the adjacent director's office.

The door was tightly shut, with no bloodstains outside or any signs of scratching. Perhaps these two were still alive.

Memphis pressed his ear against the door, listening carefully. The director's office often hosted shady activities, so it was well soundproofed. Nevertheless, he could still hear screams mixed with disgusting wheezing sounds.

"There are people, and there are zombies, more than one. What kind of situation is this?"

Memphis wondered silently, but since there were still living people, he didn't intend to leave them.

He knocked three times on the wooden door. Inside, everything suddenly fell silent, followed by an explosion of cries for help and the wheezing sounds approaching the door.

He immediately focused, turned the doorknob, and gently pulled it open, revealing the scene inside.

Behind the largest desk, Director Lionel and Secretary Amanda were desperately defending themselves. The fat director sat in a chair, his legs pushing against the desk like a barrier to prevent the three zombies from advancing. Sweat poured from his chubby face like a waterfall. Amanda, beside him, wielded a black baseball bat, fiercely jabbing at the zombies' faces to keep them from climbing onto the desk.

The two coordinated relatively well, but they were nearly exhausted. When they saw Memphis, they cried out as if grasping at a lifeline:

"Save us..."

In front of them were three zombies, one of which was abnormally tall. It was his creditor, the loan shark, who was ready to give him a few punches at any moment, Kieron Leyton. Memphis didn't need to see his face to recognize him. That broad back haunted him every month for the 1500 USD debt.

Two other zombies, emaciated with pus-covered faces and white teeth, were his former colleagues. They looked extremely terrifying! 

"Infectious form level 1 and level 2? Perfect!"

Memphis glanced at the two zombies, no longer feeling as repulsed or terrified. Instead, he felt a bit of excitement and thrill. These were perfect targets for leveling up.

Seeing the two zombies approaching, Memphis braced his leg against the door, allowing it to open just wide enough for one person to pass through. He then raised his bat, ready to strike.

Zombies had no intelligence, the two squeezed through the narrow opening. Before they could bite, Memphis swung his bat, shattering the level 2 zombie's head.

The remaining zombie hissed, clawing at Memphis's foot. He quickly pulled his foot back, swung the door wide open, and with a side swing, broke the zombie's neck. Its eyes popped out, and it was utterly dead.

Seeing Memphis easily defeat the disgusting zombies, Lionel and Amanda's hope soared.

Memphis kicked aside the zombie blocking his path and stepped into the director's office, closing the door behind him.

The recent fight hadn't caused much noise, but the two people's screaming was truly too loud. He worried that zombies outside might be attracted.

With a quick glance, Memphis immediately recalled the details of the remaining three zombies.

"One level 1, one level 2, one level 5..."

Memphis looked at the back of the tall zombie Elon Leyton, nearly 2 meters high, and couldn't help but swallow hard. He was only 1.7 meters tall, and even if he wanted to hit it, he couldn't reach its head.

Seeing that Elon Leyton seemed to be turning around due to the noise of the fight, Memphis hurriedly shouted:

"You two, distract it, create an opening so I can strike."

Lionel and Amanda, not as foolish as Memphis often thought, immediately understood his intention. They both screamed loudly, with Amanda even striking Kieron's arm with a baseball bat, scraping off a piece of skin.

Kieron was indeed distracted, reaching out wildly to scratching and clawing, Lionel immediately felt the increased pressure, his knees buckling, almost collapsing.

Memphis didn't waste any time, leaping forward, and without hesitation, swung his bat, smashing the level 2 zombie's head.

Sensing the allure of fresh meat, Kieron suddenly turned and swiped, his long arm lashing towards Memphis's head.

Having anticipated this, Memphis ducked in advance, the baseball bat in his hand precisely striking Kieron's right knee.


The crisp sound of impact echoed, the bat bounced back, and Kieron's knee buckled slightly. As Kieron's arm came down, Memphis quickly swung his bat to block.


Kieron's immense strength made Memphis's hand ache, nearly causing him to lose his grip on the bat. He immediately rolled, using his agility to get behind Kieron, and struck again, precisely on Kieron's right knee.


Under Memphis's two consecutive full-force strikes, Kieron's knee shattered, and his massive body suddenly toppled to one side.

Memphis didn't hesitate, rushing forward and swinging his bat twice more at Kieron's nape, smashing his skull, spraying brain matter and dark blood all over the floor.

Suddenly, a silver card about the size of a palm fell beside Kieron's body.

Memphis's luck wasn't bad, Kieron had fallen face down. If he had fallen backward, his hands might still have been mobile, making it much harder to kill him.

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