Ares Anderson’s Advent To Power

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Ares Anderson’s Advent To Power

By: Rex Magnus Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 154 views: 9.7K

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Ares Anderson, an orphan who had no idea about his origin was a hard-working young man who lived his life solely on providing everything for his girlfriend, even sacrificing his own needs and meals. The day he wanted to surprise her with the gift she wouldn't stop asking about in days, however, was the day Ares caught her accepting another man’s wedding proposal. As though she wasn't the one who had once loved and cared about him, she ordered for him to be beaten up, and if not for his secret treasure, the only thing he knew that linked him to his origin other than his name, coming up to his rescue, he would have become a waste. Unknown to Ares, however, this mysterious gem, which had always healed him anytime he was injured or sick was a seal to a mysterious organization whose power goes beyond the mortal realm, and he is the master of this organization. What will he do the day he comes to know this secret? That he was the master of an organization that has all the wealth and power of this world at its disposal? Wait, forgot to mention, what will he also do the day he triggered the last mechanism in his seal and finally gained one of his countless inheritances, which would directly skyrocket him from a weakling to a full-fledged cultivator, giving him the strength to destroy nations and topple world? Find out in this book.

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  • Chessman



    2024-05-08 15:55:09
  • Rex Magnus


    An average of 2 - 3 chapters would be released per day and I can promise you there will be no dragging in this book, so, please read it if you are a lover of a rise-to-power sort of book.

    2024-04-13 01:29:45
  • Rex Magnus


    Hey guys, thanks for checking my book out. Please leave your review in this section for other readers to know whether it deserves reading.

    2024-04-13 01:28:39
Latest Chapter
154 chapters
Chapter 001 - A Shocking Betrayal
*****Have you ever been in a situation where everything just seemed out of place?That was what Ares was feeling at this moment, standing bewildered near his girlfriend’s bustling apartment and observing it.He was puzzled and couldn’t understand how the place would be crowded and noisy after Sarah had just informed him that she wasn’t at home.“Could it be that I’m at the wrong apartment?” Ares contemplated, but then he soon shook his head. "I'm sure this is her apartment. Although it's been a while since I last visited, how could I not recognize the flat whose rent I've been paying?"He couldn’t help but furrow his brows tightly while pondering the situation.Ares, utterly drained and exhausted from days of relentless work, gathering the remaining balance for his girlfriend's birthday gift had rushed here immediately after securing the present, hoping to surprise her. Yet, as he was nearing her floor, he received a message from her, informing him that she was heading out with frie
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Chapter 002 - The Three Brain-Affected Henchmen
*****“Darn!!! What did I just watch?"In a dormitory, a 25-year-old man, dressed only in his underwear, who had been seated at his desk with his laptop suddenly jumped to his feet and exclaimed."Ugh!!! Second sibling, could you please let me sleep? I have an early class tomorrow morning which I must attend!" Another person cried out with frustration and helplessness."Eldest... eldest brother, come… come and see this. I... I believe we need to inform the third brother immediately?""What?" The eldest brother, a man who appeared to be one year older than the second brother grumbled unhappily before he sat up from the bed and looked irritably at the nervous second sibling bro."Why should I contact the third brother, who decided to become our enemy merely because of that cheater?" He sneered, appearing offended, but the second brother disregarded his feelings."You must come and see this." He hurried toward the bed and pulled the eldest brother out of it, against his will and toward h
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Chapter 003 - The Secret Heirloom: Ares Awakening
***** In the middle of a street, that had nonstop people walking by, a young man, who was in blood was presently trashing and crying wildly on the ground with agony, but the passersby only glanced interestingly at him before going their way, acting as though they couldn’t see that he was in pain. The young man was Ares, whom his bully had already left behind. He continued crying for a long time, feeling the most immense pain of his life. The intense agony persisted for around thirty minutes, an unusually prolonged duration compared to his previous experiences. Then, as usual, whenever he suffered injuries, the green orb-shaped gem pendant hanging from a tiny rope around his neck began to emit a warm glow, sending a comforting sensation coursing through Ares' body.Normally, the glow, which only Ares could see would only flash for a bit before disappearing, but as the pain and Injury he was inflicted upon this time around was stronger than anything he had ever experienced before in
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Chapter 004 - An Unplanned Night Encounter At A Bar
***** After getting healed from his injury and leaving the spot, Ares did not return to his dorm, instead, he continued walking aimlessly forward, his thoughts and minds completely jumbled together. Although Ares now hated Sarah to the end of the world, for not only cheating on him, sending people to beat him up, but for also betraying his trust, and wasting his time and effort all these years despite already knowing that she would never marry him. The more Ares walked, the more he thought, and the more he recalled all his plans and promises for Sarah, the same for hers to him. Although it was difficult for a nobody to make it and become wealthy in Rex City, Ares had promised himself to make it, to be wealthy for Sarah. Although he has no savings and always spends everything on her, as he earns it, even going on hunger strikes times without numbers, Ares’s dreams had still stand. If not for his miracle orb, perhaps, he would have become nothing but a Skelton, with the way he sta
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Chapter 005 - Ares Getting Himself An Enviable and Wealthy Wife
***** ‘So soft!! What’s this soft and squishy texture in my hand?’ Ares couldn’t help but subconsciously squeeze the object in his hand. He had no idea whether he was only dreaming or he was just waking up. Suddenly, however, a hard smack hit his hand away. Ares was forcefully woken up. The moment he did, Olivia’s eyes also snapped open. Seeing each other, the two were first incredibly startled, but then they went blank for a second, which was followed by; “Argh!!!! Who are you !!! Who are you and what are you doing in my bed?! What have you done to me?!!!” A shrill scream that almost deafened Ares entered his ears, rousing him up from his stupor at the incredible beauty he had seen upon his waking up. Ares became greatly scared and confused hearing her words. “I… I did not do anything to you, I… I only remembered drinking last night, and that was it!” “You… you…” Olivia, shocked and scared to death abruptly made the intention of rushing out of bed, but then a great and shar
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Chapter 006 - Guys, He Is Back!!!
***** “Have you heard, that a fourth-year student of our school accepted a marriage proposal from an extremely wealthy and influential person last night?” “Ah… I also learned of this last night, and if it weren’t for you reminding me, I would have completely forgotten that. Do you know that I slept so late in the night, checking all the news about the proposal? oh… I so much envy the schoolmate.” “Same as me. As in, in this world and day, where countless beauties are all over the world, where would one find a wealthy man who would propose and want to marry us, who is from a poor background.” “But guys, do you think that what the lady did to her ex was good? I learned that he had been the one sponsoring her school and taking care of all her needs since the day she became a student of our school.” "Pfft... Spare me your nonsense. Who sends the loser to handle such matters? I heard that the poverty-stricken bastard can even barely afford a meal a day, yet he's playing caretaker for
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Chapter 007 -Brothers, What Are You Doing Here?
***** “Third bro, what do you know, hahahah! Second bro has been scammed by all sorts of ladies all his life, before he finally decided to further his education, with many of them even going as far as to save his mobile number with all sorts of names, such as; Bill Payer, Free Cash, My Unlimited ATM, Free Money Source, and so on!” The three brothers were seated on the beds, facing each other and one of them was so embarrassed at this moment.“You…” the person, the second brother pointed fiercely at the first brother, who was animatedly narrating a story and acting as though he were present when everything had occurred. “How dare you speak about me, first bro, when you had already sponsored two girls in colleges… hahaha. Even sponsoring one of their wedding’s expenses without having an idea that you are paying her to marry someone else… hahaha.” “Fuck you, first brother! What about you who had actually paid the school fees of a girl’s siblings, even buying a house for her parents,
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Chapter 008 - A Close Encounter
***** “Find the information of this person for me.” Inside the living room of a high-end apartment, Mason, who was reeking of killing intent at this moment, with his eyes completely red from fury abruptly passed his cell phone to someone who was standing respectfully before on. The person has dark and spooky eyes, and in the depth of these eyes, a type of unusual hunger seemed to be present.By merely standing there, a cold-blooded aura was radiating from his body. Without saying a single word, the person, Jackal accepted the cell phone and took a look at the screen. On it was a picture of Ares, who was wearing only pants, his torso bare. It was a picture taken earlier that day without his awareness. “Okay, young master.” Without asking any questions, the eerie-looking guy nodded his head and then passed Mason’s cell phone back to him, but then his eyes flashed with anticipation as he opened his mouth. “What should I do after I find the person?” “What should you do?” Mason’s
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Chapter 009 - Fighting For Their Third Brother
***** Gazing at her, nobody was able to react for a while, but then they all suddenly began to gasp in unison. "Wow! So, that's sister Sarah's fiancé's car! Incredible!""Wow, talk about living the dream! I've always wished for a lavish ride to school.""Isn't this the person some destitute fool tried to rival with a woman and hoped to win over? What a joke!""Haha! It's no surprise that Sister Sarah left that foolish boy. I'd do the same, even if he were to offer me his kidney along with all his wealth. I'd gladly accept a proposal from a wealthy tycoon like her fiancé."Hearing the crowd’s yell, Ares's eldest brother, who was still in a daze quickly looked back at Ares when he saw Sarah exiting the car. Similarly, the second brother who was attempting to rush ahead and stop the first brother glanced at Ares. They became filled to the brim with concern for him, having no idea about what his state of mind would be, seeing the lady who had played him badly. “Third Brother, are you
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Chapter 010 - Experiencing A Blood-Bond Sensation
***** “I’m so fucking furious!! I would have punched off the arrogant grin on his face if not for the third brother dragging me back!” “I don't understand why they always feel the need to believe they're superior just because their family has money!” Following Ares as he continued to pull them along, even after they had departed the scene, the first and second brothers persisted in voicing their anger without relenting. It was as though they were the ones whose girlfriends got taken and not Ares, who hadn't even said a single word concerning the issue right from the start. Certainly, Ares understood that their anger was truly sincere, especially when he noticed their trembling, a sign that they couldn't fully express their emotions. Ares, even though he had not been able to fight for himself felt great inside, but knowing how powerful Michael appeared to be, he did not want his brothers to make unnecessary enemies that could do more harm than good to them. “It’s okay. Just let
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