Chapter 141 - Olive's Viciousness


"I fucking warned you to mind your own damn business, did I not?" Olive glared aggressively and hatefully at the guy tightly strapped to a wooden chair.

"I... I... I didn't do anything, sir," the guy strapped to the chair sobbed, his entire face purple and swollen from being beaten. He was shivering hysterically, terrified beyond words.

He was the hotel attendant who had earlier warned Olivia to not trust Olive so much.

"Is that so?" Olive responded with a cold grin before suddenly waving his hand. The next moment, a burly man walked over to him and handed him a pair of pliers.

“You didn’t do and say anything, right?” Still gazing coldly at the other party, Olive inquired.

“I… I… I didn’t do anything,” The attendant’s eyes poured as he stared with horror at Olive, who was walking slowly toward him.

His heart was pounding wildly as he stared at Olive, seeing him as though he were the devil.

“Plea… please, what… what are you trying to do?”

“What am I trying to do?” Olive
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