Chapter 140 - Penelope’s Fear & Olivia’s Complicated Emotion


Olivia was in a state of both lividness and helplessness at this moment.

She was furious upon learning the things reported to her by her mother, which Ares had done, but now that he had moved out of the house, she had no idea about what to think.

At first, she thought her mother was pulling the sort of prank she pulled in the morning, so, the first thing she did upon returning was to check Ares’s room.

“You said your grandfather told you to come with that Vile Spawn?” Ava at the side abruptly asked.

“Hmm.” Olivia nodded her head, lost in thought. “I will have to go alone, then,” she added after a moment, letting out a deep sigh.

"Why don't you go with Olive?" Ava suddenly suggested.

Olivia immediately gave her a sharp look, and seeing this, Ava thought her daughter might realize she had driven Ares away. She quickly added, "You two have been childhood sweethearts and since that jerk is out of the picture, why don't you get together and use this opportunity to introduce h
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