Chapter 142 - Olivia's Abduction


“What’s going on? Hope it's not that I’m being tailed?” Olivia, having no idea that someone had just been killed in the most gruesome way ever because of her, mumbled to herself as she looked at the back through her rear mirror.

"Could it be that I’m only being overly paranoid?" she wondered again, attempting to push her sudden worry from her mind. No matter how much she tried, however, her instinct wouldn’t allow her, but finally, Olivia shook her head.

"Who doesn't even have anything better to do than to stalk me?" she sighed, then focused on driving the rented car she had just picked up.

Before long, she managed to push her concern aside and focus solely on her destination. However, before she knew it, her previous thought before the worry of someone tailing her disturbed her crept back into her thoughts.

"I definitely don't love him, so why do I feel like something's missing?" She suddenly gripped the steering wheel tightly.

"Shouldn't I be happy that he's gone? Why do
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