Chapter 46

Alex quickly and swiftly moved to the other side, but it was too late, the knife had slashed his face, though the cut wasn't that deep and it would heal without leaving a scar in a few days.

But being targeted by someone in his own house didn't go down well with him. He turned to the assassin who had attacked him, he sneered when he noticed the purple lenses on her.

Is she trying to bleach their agreement, he quickly held her hands which still had the knifes on them, without thinking he lifted her up and threw her against the war.

He folded her hands behind her back and held her throat, looking at her petrified face, his eyes flickered.

He quickly knocked her out by hitting the vital point behind her neck, he tied her up, her hands and feet and shoved her on top of the large table.

That moment, he felt a presence behind his back, he paused for a minute before turning back abruptl

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