Chapter 47

The bodyguard simply shook his head, no one noticed his presence but he couldn't leave unscathed.

"No one noticed my presence, I used the method of the army to hide myself, except the person is highly skilled, no one would notice my presence."

The guard explained but suddenly his eyes opened wide, highly skilled, of course, he hadn't thought of this.

"Good, its fine as far as no one noticed you, but how did you get injured then? Were you attacked by a beer?"

Lord Orion was curious on how his powerful guard could get wounded on short notice without even engaging in a fight.

"I think the Dragon Lord noticed my presence my Lord."

The bodyguard face was petrified, now he thought of it, it made sense.

"What do you mean?" Lord Orion was beginning to get impatient with him.

"I managed to slip in when I entered the mansion bu

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