120. Resuming the Journey

You would think it was a happy ending sort of situation? 

Of course, that is what it does look like and besides who would not want a happy ending  for the brave queen> She had done the unthinkable and had bested the odds in the favor of her own nationality. She had gone into enemy land and had befeiednt ehKing there such that he was able to divulge their war secrets to her and then it was all fine. 

It would be the perfect ending. That she would be welcomed to her own town. That she would be paraded a  hero. And of course, this is where it is heading towards. 

Except in  the actual sense of it, reality is often discomforting to say the least. 

When Moremi had returned and when the battle was won. Naturally, there was a noise of c


This would be the last chapter of the camping they all enjoyed. Its time to be back ont eh main story fo the day. I think. Or who wants another filler chapter arc?

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