
The waiter tried to free his hands but all his struggle was futile as Jake was way stronger than him.

“Let go of my arms,” the waiter whined but Jake only pressed tightly against his wrist.

“This is your last warning..” he said in a low growl close to the waiter's ear, momentarily, the waiter felt goosebumps running through his body. The waiter nodded his head like an agama lizard and Jake let go of his arms.

As the waiter retreated his wrist, it was already bright red and arched like crazy.

“I'm sorry,” he bowed and apologized before walking away, embarrassed. Jake sat back in his seat and continued eating the food the waiter had brought. He ate as if nothing had happened even though there were lots of eyes on him.

“You're tough,” a female voice said beside him. He never realized the lady beside him up until now…


“That was brave or should I say stupid. You know they're people here who can send you right to jail if you disrupt their gathering,” she spoke freely, sipping a g
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