Chapter 4

Back into the company*******

Rhina was fuming in anger, she wondered where on earth her grandfather picked him up only to hang the scum bag around her neck for a husband. She thought about all her friends married to wealthy and well to do rich business men. Even the least one lived a proper average life unlike her what did she get? She could not help but question the whole aspect of her existence. She looked at him again and said coldly

“What are you still doing here? disappear from this environment this instance. I was a fool to have requested your ride this morning. I brought all this on myself”

“Oh sorry” Danvers turned to leave. Looking at his indifferent attitude, it made Rhina angrier. Ethan Was the perfect person for her. the real goal. He was the manager at peaks enterprise, one of the branches at champions company, which is more than the rag she called her husband. Considering the fact that she desperately needed his assistance if not her company risked closing down. Her family will use the opportunity to ridicule her at lady Debby's 70th birthday celebration that evening.

Some ladies dressed in company attire walk in on Danvers trying to mount up his electric bike. It has been with him for the past four years as a gift from Lord Dabby.

“Ladies, is that not Madam Dabby's husband over there?” One of the ladies asked.

“No he's not look at that man dressed like a beggar he obviously cannot be her husband".

" Yes he is, I was present on the day of their wedding. It was talk of the town,” the third lady said emphatically. They all looked at him and laughed out loud, turning around they saw Rhina standing behind them. They all quivered in fear knowing the gravity of their offense. Rhina looked at them and they began apologizing.

“Sorry ma” they said in unison and disappeared to their various duty posts.

While mounting up his broken bike, he took out his cell phone and dialed a number.

“Hey I will help the company but on two conditions, firstly get me the worship of wrists secondly there is this man under our company by the name Ethan right? I want to see him go bankrupt with nothing left under his name as soon as possible. Let's meet at any location convenient with you”

As he dropped his call he received a text message from Rhina he quickly rushed to open it " Remember tonight is lady Debby's 70th birthday celebration, endeavor to get her a gift and make sure you dress well do not rub my face to the ground”

Another text message entered his small phone “let's meet up at mountain hotel"


At the roof top of mountain hotel Danvers sat carelessly on the couch, seeing him, his uncle laughed.

“Truly you have not changed. You are still that carefree boy just like you were from childhood.”

“Uncle, let's cut the long story short, why on earth did you say you needed my help?!

Being the diplomat that Patrick was he needed to be cautious when talking to Danvers consequently he passed back and forth speechless.

“It's actually not a huge amount, we are just 4 billion in dept”

“what?” Danvers was taken aback.

“Well good luck with that uncle I need to take my leave now.”

“My dear child" said Patrick in a haist. “Our company is in dire need of the funding, without it everything we have built will crumble in an instant! The two conditions you gave earlier will be met. The worship of wrist is on its way and for the second, just keep close to your phone. In the next few hours Ethan will be left with nothing.

“Thank you for honoring my word for the first time,”Danvers said. " I would like to help the company but where on earth do you expect me to get such an amount of money from, uncle? Is it from the 50$ in my pocket?”.

Danvers, do you want what your father and the entire family built to crumble when you can save it? You have over 10.3billion in your account!" His reaction to Danvers' words was a clear indication that he was truly desperate. You can't abandon your own at this point Danvers'

With a smile “back then when I invested into that tech company you and your entire family barated me, your children even instigated you saying I was up to no good , that I was embezzling and mismanaging companies' funds. I was bareted and wrongly disowned from the family, was there any one of you that cared to defend me? And today you need my help from the very money you all neglected me about?.

Patrick remained silent.

“You all know that every cent I invested into that tech company was my hard earned money and not from the family cofers. All these years I have been insulted and maltreated as a son-in-law. I was treated less of a human. The only soul who cared about me died shortly after I met him. Did any of you show up, even in secret?

If the company did not need my help could any of you ever think of me?

Trying to calm him down, Patrick said “we are truly sorry to have disowned you, we owe you that big time but right now our family is in serious need of your help.”

“As long as you are willing to liberate our family from this impending debt, I am ready to step down and hand over the position of the president to you. You just need to give me your identity card so that the documents can be prepared and first thing tomorrow morning you can head over to the company building the secretary will be there waiting for you”

Champions company was a giant company with sub branches in the food, fashion and entertainment industry. All these had been under Patrick, he was ready to hand everything to him without hesitation.

If that's all I will like to take my leave I have other things to attend to later tonight but before I do, I will like to have these pair of suit over there for myself”

He said looking at his uncle. It was a beautiful, hand made suit.

" Sure you can have it if you like it, It was just delivered this evening.”

He excused himself to have a change of clothes after talking to Patrick. Few minutes later he was out. He was elegant in it but with no shoes he only had slippers on but that didn't matter to him. Tonight was Lady Debby's birthday party but he had something else that needed his presence too. That was his high school reunion and he had made up his mind not to be late for the occasion. He checked the time and realized it was almost time he rushed towards his electric bike and zoomed off.

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