All Chapters of Belittled Son-In-Law's Rise To Power: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
189 chapters
Chapter 1
“Danvers, dump the trash!”Two women sat comfortably on the sufa, with glasses of wine, having just had their nails polished. From a distance, anyone could see that these two beauties exuded an air of unique charm and class unable to resist. Among these two beauties was Danvers' wife Rhina and her friend. Danvers' tried watching the TV series on the screen, but upon his wife's glare, he quickly rushed to pick up the trash. He dare not utter a word.After all, he was the live-in son-in-law of the Debby family. Even after four years of marriage, he still did not have a place in the family. Even a pet had a higher standard in the home than he did. His wife and family will not hesitate to bellow at him at the least chance they get. “Why are you coming back now?” " I am sorry, I thought I came back early today!"A slap landed on his chick." How foolish can you be? I am asking why you were so quick and you are busy spilling rubbish”He placed his hand on his chick,gritted his teeth in
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Chapter 2
He checked his cell phone to see that he had received a text message. When he opened it, the number on the screen looked familiar. His eyebrows furrowed. He opened the text message in curiosity and was shocked as he read each word with kin attention. “Oh great master, please help our kind. Our company is in dare need of your help, it requires a lot of funds to keep it affairs running”“Preposterous” Danvers heaved a sigh and thought to himself. Four years ago I was accused of embezzlement and mismanagement and out of the blue with 10 dollars in my pocket they needed my help to save the company? Of what use am I to them anyway? His thoughts were again interrupted by the buzzing of another text message which reads,“Great master, I am begging you to help our kind. The company your invested in four years ago has truly established, running and have yielded much profit, please we will close down without your support”“What!!!” Danvers' eyes opened wide. He quickly took out the white ban
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Chapter 3
CHAPTER 3Danvers decides to punish his busted bike to satisfy her by going against the bike's limit. His Intention was to avoid anything that would delay her for her meeting. He could not stand to see Rhina stressed. The sudden speed on the bike was too much for Rhina to bear. She could not handle it, so she had no choice but to hold on to Danvers' chest. The hug he received all of a sudden made him quiver a little. This was the first time they had body contact in their four years of marriage. A kind of excitement generated within him for being close to Rhina for the first time.To ensure that the closeness lasted at least for a while, he wheeled up his bike even faster than before. Eventually the couple arrived at the company's mansion. Making Rhina to heave a sigh of relief at their arrival. As she was about to step down from the bike, she hit her leg on the bike because the hill of her shoes got stuck on the bike's foot space. Almost immediately, the roar of a Yaris engine late
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Chapter 4
Back into the company*******Rhina was fuming in anger, she wondered where on earth her grandfather picked him up only to hang the scum bag around her neck for a husband. She thought about all her friends married to wealthy and well to do rich business men. Even the least one lived a proper average life unlike her what did she get? She could not help but question the whole aspect of her existence. She looked at him again and said coldly“What are you still doing here? disappear from this environment this instance. I was a fool to have requested your ride this morning. I brought all this on myself”“Oh sorry” Danvers turned to leave. Looking at his indifferent attitude, it made Rhina angrier. Ethan Was the perfect person for her. the real goal. He was the manager at peaks enterprise, one of the branches at champions company, which is more than the rag she called her husband. Considering the fact that she desperately needed his assistance if not her company risked closing down. Her fam
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Chapter 5
At Golds Corporation. Rhina had just finished attending the board meeting with the shareholders and those interested in investing into her company, when she saw the company’s employees gathered in one Conner discussing and laughing with their cell phones in their hands. “How dare they neglect their duties to be lazy about?. Looking at her wrist watch, During working hours? I see they no longer need these jobs!" Walking towards them with a stern face. To her surprise, she saw Danver in the video trying to mount up his broken bike this caused a lot of pain in her heart . It was rather unfortunate that someone recorded everything and posted. “Look at how broke and unkempt he looks I guess he is trying to make it work again” “Hahaha this guy is very hilarious, it's actually true that miss Dabby got married to a piece of trash, he can't provide for himself” They were happily gossiping about when one of them stood up and mimicked Danvers”in case you didn't know, earlier today after he
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Chapter 6
Chapter 6“This is the worship of the Wrist!"" This can't be, back then it was only produced on limited edition of 70 pieces and sold for 25 million dollars”“Miss Dabby you are so fortunate a lady and most beautifully special to whoever bought those?. Rhina herself remained stunned, she has always been obsessed with the worship of the wrist and always wished for a set of it, just a sight of it was enough for her to know if it's the real deal. How could this be possible, unless Ethan had sold and used all his savings to get her a set of these? The thought of this melted her heart. If she wore the worship of wrists to Lady Dabby’s birthday party, she definitely would be the talk of the night. *********************Armanti’s times. This is a very luxurious hotel. Those who bought seats here were people of very high caliber, who exudes wealth. They packed their luxurious cars at the entrance and packing lot of the hotel. It was there that Danvers had to attend his class reunion. Da
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Chapter 7
“Our dear classmate just rode in here with an electric bike, initially I thought it was due to the inconveniences to get a packing space that caused him to use a bike but after wearing a high earned suit, he unexpectedly forgot about his shoes. What an embarrassment.”“Is it that you bought this suit on discount somewhere? Because looking at it, it is evident that you haven't even removed the label, probably you have to return it after the school reunion?"" I think it's not that bad,” someone said. But Maxwell cut in immediately. “Also, it's clear that he hasn't changed that pair of slippers for years" " Exactly my thoughts”The whole class started gossiping about him until one of them, a friend he helped back then in school, decided to speak up.“And so what? Even if he is dressed in a weird manner, do we have to make a joke of him? Aren't we all classmate" Maxwell move towards him and brought out the tag and said “Mira, do you still want to help him? He is wearing a suit worth
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Chapter 8
Danvers arranged himself on his seat and remained indifferent. This made Margaret more angry to see that an ungrateful brat like him didn't reply to what she just said. “How rude can you be?. From the entrance cars were packed in the lot of the Dabby clan's villa. And they were all luxurious cars for sure. By the time they got there, the hall was filled up with members and guests. Some of them walked up to Rhina to greet them. In such moments, Danvers was always treated like an outcast and was usually allocated to the same table with the maids far at the tail end of the hall. They made sure to keep him Invisible but that didn't matter to him he was out to fill his stomach cus he didn't know what awaited him at home. Especially with the behavior he had put up earlier on their way to the villa. Margaret was surely going to revisit the case later. Nonetheless some people derive pleasure causing trouble such as Stephen Dabby. He seems to have a thing against Danvers from the very begin
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Chapter 9
Ever since Lord Dabby died, the authority of the Dabby family was in the hands of Lady Dabby as her word was law. No one ever tried to go contrary to it. She seemed to have been very fond of Stephen and favored him alot. Moreover his net worth was over 35 million dollars both in assets and savings. Any offense towards him will definitely end in shackles. “Mum, what exactly did you just do?" Asked Rhina as she walked to stand in between her mother and Danvers. Even though she hated him, it was due to his intervention that she was able to regain her pride moments ago. The slap Margaret gave him generated an instant red spot in his face. Nevertheless he still had a smile on. They have been married for four years now and this was the first time that Rhina ever tried to speak up for him. This alone warmed his heart. He turned and left. “You dare not walk out on me you good for nothing piece of trash” he yelled and followed Danvers to his seat. As the entire family and invitees watched
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Chapter 10
Chapter 10“What's funny you ingrete?” “Let's see what you have here right everyone?”“Yes let's see" Danvers handed a wooden box over to lady Dabby just the sight of it made her discard it without looking at the content of it. He was pushed out of the hall by the security. But before then lady Dabby spoke about it. “Before you go, I must say this tea is original '' she knew pretty well the tea was fake but couldn't let Danvers triumph over her grandson and not in public at that. The Youngest daughter of the Youngs entered almost immediately and found the wooden box at the entrance upon seeing it, she immediately recognized its content. The Youngs have been into the antique business for centuries; she needed no one to tell her that the piece of necklace in there was pure gold. She quickly picked it up and asked why it was discarded. She was told to forget about it. She ignored their ignorance and educated lady Dabby on the kind of gift she had just received was worth millions of
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