Chapter 3


Danvers decides to punish his busted bike to satisfy her by going against the bike's limit. His Intention was to avoid anything that would delay her for her meeting. He could not stand to see Rhina stressed.

The sudden speed on the bike was too much for Rhina to bear. She could not handle it, so she had no choice but to hold on to Danvers' chest.

The hug he received all of a sudden made him quiver a little. This was the first time they had body contact in their four years of marriage. A kind of excitement generated within him for being close to Rhina for the first time.To ensure that the closeness lasted at least for a while, he wheeled up his bike even faster than before.

Eventually the couple arrived at the company's mansion. Making Rhina to heave a sigh of relief at their arrival. As she was about to step down from the bike, she hit her leg on the bike because the hill of her shoes got stuck on the bike's foot space.

Almost immediately, the roar of a Yaris engine latest model caught their her attention, it comfortably packed behind Danvers' bike.

An elegant young man stepped down from the car. He locked his car,gently arranged his suit and tie before moving to where Rhina and Danvers were standing. Danvers was on his knees trying to massage the spot on her ankle that was hit. Upon seeing who came off the Yaris, Rhina quickly drifted apart from Danvers and arranged her suit too.

Pointing towards Danvers’s direction;

“Rhina, who is this man touching your leg?"

" This is Danvers," Rhina replied coldly.

Few years back when Lord Dabby introduced Danvers as Rhina's husband, the news went far and wide. And it was scheduled to take place in three days because Danvers was also comfortable with the idea. Lord Dabby made sure that everything was top notch classy to the extreme and fit to be clarified as a second class wedding.

That again was another bone of contention and the talk of the town as all the expenses were being taken care of by Lord Dabby. The entire Dabby clan was ridiculed for marrying off the most prettiest of their clan to a low life who later turns out to be a live-in-son-in-law.

“Oooo so this is the piece of trash you wedded!” said Ethan with a cold glare.

“Poor Rhina, you must be cold at the moment after riding on this thing,” he added.

Walking towards her, “we should go in now so you don't have to catch a cold”

“Thank you”

Walking towards the main entrance of the company building,Danvers followed suit sheepishly with anger ranging from within but he gulped it. Ethan remembered he had a gift for her.

“Sorry, few minutes please I forgot something meant for you in my car let me pick it up”

He quickly rushed out with a speed of light and within minutes he showed up again with a box that was carefully parceled, he handed the package carefully to Rhina wearing an elegant smile. The gift box contained the worship of wrists. Any lady who wore it will surely be filled with elegance and class and classified as a lady of taste and caliber.

Rhina then opened the box to see that it contained what every lady would wish for. Few years back Danvers' family was into the fashion business and thus he had a great fashion sense through this, he came in contact with great fashion designer and if his memory wasn't playing a fool of him, this set of jewelry was made by an Italian designer who called it “worship of wrists”

Made of jade. Only 70 pieces of it were produced that year and all were bought upon release. Only high officials and first class ladies bought. Even if you had the money now, you needed a certain level of connection to buy the worship of wrists.

The one Ethan gave to Rhina looked like the real thing except that the color was gradually fading out. It needed someone with a high sense of fashion to realize it is just a replica of the real deal.

“Rhina! I know you have always wished to have a pair of these, trust me I have gone high and low to get you a replica of these and believe me I have spent five hundred thousand just to get these for you”

he looked at Danvers with a glare of provocation and went close to Rhina to help her wear them.

“Trust me, just give me three weeks and I will get you the original”

“There's no need,” she said as she admired the gift in the box.

“There's no way you will find the real deal on sail, I heard it was produced on limited edition. And even if you happen to get the real deal, the price of it would be outrageous. A pair of it was sold for 25 million in a cultural auction I attended sometime last year, there is no need to invest such resources into a jewelry besides the replica in my hands do not look bad either they are beautiful”

Ethan let out an awkward laugh, obviously that was all he could do because his total net worth was hovering around that amount.

anger filled over Danvers' entire being, he walked up to Rhina, snatched the parcel and threw it on the floor.

“Sweetheart it's not good to collect gift from strangers especially not this one!” pointing at Ethan “if it is the worship of wrists that you want I can buy it for you, I am a responsible husband who is capable to provide his family with whatever they need''

Trying to pull Rhina behind him. "What is going on here?" Rhina questioned trying to keep her cool considering her position in the company. “You should leave now Danvers'” Turning to leave, Ethan backed from behind.

“Hold it right there bastard you should thank your stars these necklace is still intacs. Do you know that even if you had to sell both of your kidneys it wouldn't amount to buying a pair of these? You fool”

“Point of correct Rhina is my legal wife and I am capable to provide”

At this point, they were both outside

“You are such an idiot how on earth do you Intend to do that? Have you forgotten your position in the Debby clan, you are just a live-in-son-in law”

At that point he smarched Danvers' bike to the ground. Danvers' almost hit him but decided not to because he had a better option to deal with him though his anger was not quelled he tried to calm his nerves. Rhina rushed in almost immediately and pulled Danvers into her office.

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