
Ben was true to his words. Mr. Victor was disgraced out of the company after Ben played the recording of his confession to the disciplinary committee. Ben did not need someone like that in his company. His good friend, Brown replaced Mr. Victor as the H.R. of the company.

Shelly with the help of Jackson found out how Gerard died and they both came to tell Ben. Apparently, it was one of Jackson's former associate who did the job. Jackson got all the evidence he could get against Rose, along with how she also was involved in the demise of James. Rose was put on trial and she was convicted for murder. Her daughter did not care what happened to her, discovering that she had a hand in death of her real father and the father that took care of her.

Shelly later introduced Casey to Mrs. Welsh and her uncle Chase. She began to live with them.

Ben travelled to the U.K to meet his aunt and Cousin, Henry. His first port of call was Scrawny who was now the leader of gang. He went to Scrawny and to
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