Chapter 3

As soon as these words were spoken, all the men in the crowd suddenly dashed after Benjamin, taking him down with brutal punches and kicks. This gave Alexa time to help Andrew up, and they watched with delight as Benjamin was being beaten to a bloody pulp. Minutes later, Benjamin was subdued, tied up by a rope like the lunatic he was being made out to be. These other students definitely wouldn't miss out on a golden opportunity to earn easy $5,000. Therefore, they felt no remorse for Benjamin's pitiful state. He was left struggling in futility to break free.

Andrew, who was rubbing his bruised shoulder from the attack he endured, glared down hatefully at Benjamin who was now bound tightly on the ground. “Who do you think you are? You actually dared to lay your disgusting hands on me?!” He roared out at Benjamin with fury, before rushing over to stomp on Benjamin's chest. “Why don't you get up and fight me, you piece of garbage?! You can't, huh?! You think you're so strong, huh?! Why don't you break free?!” He let out his frustration as he ruthlessly stomped on Benjamin's chest.

That was when a voice reached everyone.

“What is going on here?!”

Everyone turned their attention to find a sharp looking middle-aged man walking towards them with a deep frown.

“Oh, shit! It's the director, James Thorpe.” Someone from the crowd whispered to the others.

Director Thorpe got to the scene and shook his head disapprovingly. “Tell me what is going on right now.” He turned to face the student he caught stomping on Benjamin. “What gave you the right to….” He suddenly halted his words as he now recognized who this is. “Excuse me but are you Andrew Tyrone ?” His voice had gone from domineering to suddenly being a lot softer.

Andrew smirked at the question and he knew that this director would definitely go easy on him. He nodded his head. “Yes, Sir.” He extended a hand, initiating a handshake that the director quickly took. “Please, punish this intruder. I was with my woman when this shameless student broke into her dorm.”

“Yes, Director Thorpe!” Alexa quickly put a distressed demeanour. “That guy has been obsessed with me for years now, and I've always tried to let him down nicely. In fact, he's been stalking me for a while now. It's just that I never expected he would break into my dorm while my roommate was away. Luckily, Andrew was here with me.”

Benjamin heard the twisted narration Andrew and Alexa had made up and his body froze. He could see the demeanour changing within the director, and he was sharp enough to deduce that this authority figure won't judge this situation in a just manner.

Once the handshake ended, Director Thorpe turned to Benjamin, looking down at him with a disappointed glare.

“What's your name, boy?”

Benjamin felt a shiver run down his spine at the tone the director asked that question, but he knew he needed to answer. “My name is Benjamin Knox.”

The director raised an eyebrow. “Oh, it's you? The cleaner's grandson? ” He sighed and shook his head. “I have to say, I'm quite disappointed in you. I didn't know you had such a revolting side to you.” He looked away from him arrogantly, with no intention of setting him loose from the rope trapping him.

“Sir, it's not like what they said!” Benjamin felt the need to speak up for himself because he knew no one else here would. “It was actually….”

“Enough, Mr. Knox. Do you have any idea how many rules you broke?” Director Thorpe shut Benjamin up. “No excuse will change the fact that you're definitely the culprit here. Due to your behaviour, I have no choice but to punish you. You're hereby suspended from this university for a month. Maybe that will serve as enough time for you to reflect on your barbaric way.”

Benjamin stared up at the director with shock. Why won't this man allow him to talk? Director Thorpe could see that he was the one bound by a rope, and yet, he was being called the culprit without so much as a basic investigation.

Director Thorpe stood straight. “Release him and let him leave the school premises right now. His suspension is effective immediately. Good day, Mr. Tyrone. I'll leave the rest to you. By the way, greet your father for me. His annual donations are highly appreciated.” He then walked away.

“Yes sir.” Andrew confirmed. He gave Benjamin a look that said, ‘You should have never messed with me’

Benjamin felt utterly defeated as he was released by those who had tied him up. It was obvious no one was going to listen to him. And now he had a suspension on his record.

He turned around to look at the woman who'd caused everything, she was leaning against Andrew, smirking evilly at him.

“Goodbye, low life.” Alexa hissed at Benjamin as she pulled Andrew back into her dorm.

Benjamin was in a daze through it all. He couldn't believe what had just played out before him.

The murmuring of the bystanders roused him from his trance.

“That definitely serves him right.”

“It'll be a long time before he tries to stalk another woman, that's for sure.”

Benjamin looked up at all of them, seeing the loathing and disgust in their eyes, his throat ached.

He swallowed, wanting to shout at them that he was innocent, but he knew that nobody would believe him. And it could possibly be taken as another act of violence.

He turned around and began walking to the nearest bus stop. He clenched and unclenched his fists as he walked, trying to dissipate the anger that was still in him, and possibly the dull ache in his chest. This was too much.

He kept on walking and didn't realise when he passed by the bus stop until he saw himself at the school’s gate. He sighed and decided to continue walking.

Before he could form another thought, a sleek black car drove at top speed to park in front of him, blocking his path. Shocked, he turned around, only to see two more coming up behind him. They all stopped at his side and several men stepped out, well dressed in black suits and sunglasses.

They all bowed and greeted him like he was some sort of royalty and he could only stare at them incredulously.

An older but equally well dressed man stepped out of the third vehicle, a briefcase in his hand, he walked up to Benjamin and held out his hand.

“A pleasure to meet you, Master Benjamin.”

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