
* Klay the savior*

Klay running into the room at full speed barged into Dr. Suess who was standing at the entrance of the room. They both fell after the collision, immediately Klay stood up and stretch his hands and help doctor Suess get on his feet. After helping Dr. Suess to stand he told him to come inside the room and take responsibility.

“In the room, Dr. Amelia looked surprised when Klay entered and took a pair of sutures, and a scalpel from the table beside her and walked towards Mrs. Burgess. Hey what do you think you are doing here and why are you holding that” she asked him.

“Relax he is with me” replied a familiar voice from the back, it was the voice of Dr. Arshad who was coming in with Dr. Suess. “He has an idea on how to save her and also stop the bleeding and yes the almighty Dr. Suess made a mistake so can we continue or do you want to argue about ethics when you can save someone from dying,” he told her when he saw her bewildered facing showing disapproval.

Then Dr. Suess went to the other room where he faced the angry family who was ready to jump on him, he asked for mercy begging that he didn’t know what went wrong. Maybe Dr. Arshad didn’t take the proper test well and she had a hidden ailment, that’s why it reacted that way he lied to them shifting the blame away from him.

Well, there is something that can be done to save her before you guys pummel me, he said looking at Mr. Paul and aunt Renee who wasn’t looking at him kindly. They were furious because he messed up and still didn’t take the blame. He tried lying to them by calling them dumb or fools, which they didn’t take lightly.

“All eyes looked at him now, he continued from where he stopped. Your husband can save her remember what he said when I was performing the operation that I made a mistake. Hopefully, he can correct it before it’s too late” that was when they noticed he wasn’t in the room with them.

Where the hell is that useless husband of hers Mrs. Paul asked nobody in particular. Have you tried calling him? he asked his wife. I don’t even have his phone number she replied coldly. Does anybody have Klay’s number? he asked a few seconds past no reply. The whole room was silent.

Dr. Arshad heard this and shook his head and hope this doesn’t go sideways I will let him work, but just know I never agreed to this madness”, she said. Klay instantly took his hands and washed them properly, then sterilize the scalpel and sutures very well.

The whole family was surprised to see Klay in the room with Dr. Arshad checking on Kathleen’s grandmother. Carefully they all watched him perform because they didn’t know he was skilled in anything not to talk of medicine.

Klay used the scalpel and drew a tiny cut on Mrs. Burgess's neck below her windpipe, then blood started creeping from there. He asked Dr. Arshad for the sutures which he used in sucking the excess blood that was blocking her windpipe. He pressed the sutures airball and it contracted to suck excess blood, and he removed them. He did it three times then the monitor on the wall stopped beeping she was breathing better now. Suddenly the blood spurted out on him soiling part of his hands and clothes that weren’t covered properly.

Dr. Arshad looking at the screen marveled at what was happening in front of him, he had never seen anything like that considering the hospital didn’t have the equipment to do what he was experiencing. He stared at the screen now her pulse was reducing and her breathing was getting better.

Klay looked at the instrument tray now and brought a straw-like object and placed it on the hole he cut down her windpipe and placed it in between. She started breathing properly now. Klay looked at Dr. Arshad who watched with surprise and signaled him to come closer.

Keep her head upright in this manner he instructed Dr. Arshad who quickly obliged. Klay placed his index fingers on her neck and carefully traced his fingers on her jugular carefully massaging the flow of blood correctly this time around. He used his third finger and stroked gently while Dr. Arshad held her steadily.

Dr. Amelia looked at the readings again, but this time she was shocked they were improving, her heart rate was reducing gradually.  Klay performed this for over ten minutes with Dr. Arshad while the family while praying to hope for the best.

Dr. Suess was watching through the glass; he made a mental note of how he was stroking the jugular gently in a rhythmic manner and he still didn’t realize his mistake. He was a proud old man. Dr. Suess now blurted out angrily “what’s the difference between what you just did and what I did an hour ago,” seeking a reaction from Klay who was trying hard not to be distracted.

Klay didn’t even seem to bother with what he was saying because he knew he was sure, he paid attention to the stroking pattern and interval. He noticed that was the mistake Dr. Suess made when he was doing him and he also stroked the blood in the wrong direction causing a blockage.

Kathleen walked into the room and saw Dr. Suess ranting, still angry at the “amateur mistake” he made she quickly told him “To shut the hell up or get out of the room that he was making noise”. Amazed by the sudden outburst he quickly closed his mouth and stopped talking.

“How did you know this procedure?” Dr. Arshad moving close to Klay asked him quietly while making sure the pump below her windpipe was properly fixed, to avoid further complications.

“This little trick, I learned it years ago from an old man in another life I left behind” Klay responded barely looking at Dr. Arshad as he was clearing the table, removing the blood-stained equipment for cleaning, and then further sterilization before storage.

“Little trick! don’t say that, it must have been little to you but to me an experienced doctor for over ten years I didn’t of that little trick” he responded to Klay rather coldly now. “Mr. Klay what you did here was a great job, the way you handled yourself was as if you are a seasoned doctor trust me it takes one to know one.”

“Thanks, Dr. Arshad, I appreciate it, it’s been a long time since I received any sort of compliment from doing a good job or anything. The past few weeks have just been full of criticism by people even less qualified than I am, the people I just helped now even though they didn’t deserve it” he muttered to himself, while removing his blood-soaked surgical hand gloves, nose mask, and disposed them properly into the recycling bin. Then he looked at Dr. Arshad and gave him a nod.

Dr. Arshad knew what the nod meant; some words were better left unspoken. “Let’s go to the other room and tell them how it went. They still have to know and it was you that did the operation so hence it’s your report to give” he said as he patted him on his back and made way to the door.

He was joined by Klay in the other room when he was trying to calm the family down. Suddenly the room became quiet, they never thought they would be in a situation like this that Klay would be in charge or hold their attention.

Klay looked at them like lost sheep from a flock waiting for their shepherd to come to fetch them, he waited for a minute before saying anything so that tension will engulf the room. Seeing his plan working he moved to the side of the room and watched how they flocked towards him. Now he wasn’t so useless, how you like me now The Heavy flashed through his mind then he smiled inwardly.

“Well, I did the best I could regarding the situation and the complications that happened earlier looking directly at Dr. Suess, but I can say with full confidence that she is stable, she is breathing well, she is not coughing blood let’s say it’s all good now,” he said to the family.

“That still doesn’t explain how you have medicinal knowledge, a good one as of that” Mrs. Paul rang out. So, you purposely refused to treat your wife all this while when you could? she moved angrily toward Klay.

Dr. Arshad looked at them, “in the next few hours you can see her then she will be awake, or if you are busy, you can go out but rest assured you will be informed immediately she wakes up” he said.

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