chapter 107 :

“Ha-ha-ha-ha…Is this an admiral’s strength…is it weak…today I will turn this world upside down…I will wipe out the hypocritical navy from this wretched world…and avenge my dear family!”

After everyone thought that the joint admirals attack killed Brian.

A spine-chilling laughter and sound came from the smoke

With a terrifying aura as cracks started to appear on the ground


“Royal Haki…and on a shocking level.”

∆ Forbidden Blood Style: Multiple Clone ∆

Something happened beyond the imagination of any of those present

The moment the smoke cleared, it appeared within sight of the navy

Thousands of copies of Brian. . .

“Get ready, from today there will be no Navy… From today I, Brian Serra, declare I am the king of this world… Attack!”


Immediately after his order was issued, the clones moved like a trained army and surrounded the navy from the sides, forming a circle in the middle of which was the terrified navy, because only now a vice admiral attacked one of
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