chapter 5 : silver ninja organization

Bryan stood in front of a three-floor building made of wood

There is a large sign hanging on the door 

"Pentos Hotel, that's what that guard said."

He read the words written on the sign and entered the hotel. He went straight to the reception desk, which was in the center of the building, where there were three service windows, he went to one of them.

"What can I do for you, sir!?"

Without looking at him, the woman at the reception speaks while writing something with a feather on the paper

Bryan doesn't care about her behavior because he just wants a room to rest in, he needs to rest his body and mind from all the events that have happened to him in these past 48 hours.

  "How much does a one-bed room cost?" he asked

"The price for a standard room is 15 rays per night."

After hearing the woman's words, Bryan took out the bag of money he had obtained from the ninja, took 45 coins, and put them on the counter.

"I want a room for three nights"

 The woman stopped writing and raised her head to look at Bryan

The woman's features changed to disgust upon seeing his appearance, she would have kicked him out if he hadn't taken out those coins

She got up from the chair to show her chubby body and then opened one of the hanging lockers in the back that was full of keys, took one of them and put it on the table.

"Go up to the second floor and turn right, you will find your room number 65 there!"

Brian grabbed the key and headed for the stairs, leaving behind the fat woman trying to grab the money in a piece of paper

Because she was disgusted with Bryan, if she was the owner of the hotel, she would have kicked him out immediately, but unfortunately, she is just a receptionist and the laws dictate to her that a customer cannot be kicked out until he makes a problem, but who can create a problem in this place that belongs to the ruling family, the Tanley family!

Following the woman's direction, Bryan found his room and when he opened the door he found a very ordinary room with one bed and a smoll bathroom.

He immediately went to the bathroom and started taking a shower

After he finished washing, he put on new clothes that he put in the space pocket and lay on the bed.

He slept for a whole day and woke up because of the deadly hunger he was feeling

When he woke up, he found that the sun was setting

"Hmmm! Looks like I slept too long! I need to eat or I'll starve to death..."

He put on his shoes and went downstairs and headed to the reception to the same woman who had received him yesterday

As usual, he found her writing something on paper

 "Ahem, ahem..."

Bryan coughed a little to get her attention

The woman looked at him with different features from the one she showed yesterday, where she had a bright smile on her fat face

"Sir, what can I do for you!?"

Bryan smiled at her and said,

"I'm a stranger to this city, and I don't know much about it. Where can I find the nearest restaurant!?"


"Oh! This is...Go right and then turn after 5th Street on the right and you will find your destination there!!"

When he got to the location of the restaurant he thanked her and turned around to leave.

 " Thank you !  "

"Hypocritical fat woman! First, the ninja who deceived me and here is a hypocritical woman who only cares about appearances, her attitude changed 180 degrees from yesterday when she received me..."

Bryan complained inside as he headed to the restaurant.

While walking towards the restaurant he was looking at the vendors on the street selling many strange things he had never seen before. He wanted to stop and look or even buy, but his hunger overcame the situation.

Even if he accelerated his movement, it took him to reach the restaurant about half an hour

He looked at an old, emaciated woman, dressed in night clothes, sitting on the floor in front of the restaurant, and next to her was a small child about 3 years old who had poor nutrition evident on his emaciated body.

"Heh! The city looks classy but its people are poor..."

He took a gold coin from the space pocket and put it in the old woman outstretched hand, then entered the restaurant, which was full of people, whether it was a child, a man, or a woman, all of them dressed in fine clothes than the rest that Bryan saw while coming to the restaurant.

He looked around for an empty table but didn't find any

He grabbed one of the waiters who was passing by and said

"Excuse me, is there an empty table upstairs!?"

 The waiter said.

"Yes, sir, there is an empty table but... you need to pay double if you want to eat at it!"

Bryan did not ask why and only ordered some dishes after asking the waiter about the menu for this restaurant.

Climb the stairs to the second floor, the restaurant was a tall building compared to the hotel he is currently staying in as it has four floors

The second floor was partly empty

He sat on one of the empty tables and waited for the food he had ordered to come, while waiting for one of the events that two men behind him were conducting became indifferent to his attention.

"The activity of that organization has increased a lot late..."

a man said while raising the grill towards his mouth

The man sitting across from him raised the wine glass and said

"You mean the Silver Ninja Organization . . . "

Sip a little wine. and complete

"Yes, you are right, their actions have become more public lately, yesterday I saw someone blackmailing a beggar at the city gate, even the city guards are turning a blind eye to their actions."

The man stopped talking and drank the wine, and the other man put his fork on the table and said

"Yes, because of the ruler’s daughter’s refusal to marry the son of the ruler of Dom, the two countries have not yet reached a cooperation agreement. That is why the Tanley family resorted to the largest dangerous organization on the Alpahut continent. The terms of the agreement are ambiguous, but I heard that the leader of that organization accept helping the Tanley family in their war. What angers me is the Imperial City  it doesn’t care about the ruling family of Tanley Town or its residents . . . ."

"Yes, you’re right! The Imperial City doesn’t care about people’s lives, it’s all because of the damned Law Zone who declared war on Tanley Town and…

Dom Town. . . "

" Bon appetite !! "

Bryan stopped eavesdropping because the waiter came with the food

He looked at the food in front of him and started eating while thinking about the information he had heard

"Hmm! Albahut is the name of this continent. Dom Town from what they say seems to be a city similar to Tanley Town, but Law Zone seems to be a superior country, the bottom line is this country is at war, I have to get out of here as soon as possible, the most important thing seems to be that. The ninja who tricked me belongs to a huge organization, called the Silver Ninja Organization!"

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