chapter 6 : the power of the dragon egg

After eating and satisfying his hunger, he paid the bill, which was 150 rays, paid with gold coins

And he saw the same astonishment shown by the ninja who deceived him

On the waiter's face, Bryan asked why the waiter was surprised, but unfortunately, he didn't get any response from him

On his way to the hotel, he stopped to look at one of the alleys on his right.

"Hmm, I feel like I'm being watched...!!"

He felt someone watching him stare down the alley and then turned to look back and looked to his side but didn't see anything suspicious.

"It seems it's just my imagination !"

He resumed his march but increased his walking speed a little the better he entered the hotel, and from what he heard from the two men in the restaurant, the city seemed to have become the nest of the most dangerous organization in the continent called the albahut .

After half an hour of walking, he reached the hotel and entered it to go straight to his room

Lock the door with the key and then sit on the bed

He extended his right palm and a red egg appeared on it with a little black color in the form of drawings. The egg was the size of a small watermelon.

This was an egg known in the previous world as the Dragon Egg, a treasure that all the inhabitants of that world longed for

Because of the strength that is given to a person after eating it! Yes,you can it. Although it is called a dragon egg, it is not really a real dragon egg. It is called this due to the great similarity between it and the real dragon egg, as well as the great similarity between dragons and the people who ate the dragon egg.

"I never wanted to eat a dragon’s egg before, despite its enormous strength, but its side effects are annoying, but my hesitation was the cause of the death of my loved ones, if I wanted not to repeat that tragedy, revenge, and most importantly, to survive the dangers of this world, I must eat it."

He sighed and took a knife that he took out of the space pocket and then cut the red egg that was like a fruit from the inside

A sticky white liquid started dripping from her without hesitation. He started drinking the liquid that was the essence of it all. He dropped the egg and sat on the ground, then began to contemplate the changes in his body.

He closed his eyes and felt the tremendous heat his body was producing and the rapid flow of blood that his heart began to pump with all his might as Bryan felt his heart was about to explode, the veins on his forehead starting to appear.

Then something resembling a horn began to bulge out of his forehead and as his body lengthened, Bryan resisted the pain of the operation with all his might.

This was a side effect of the dragon egg

Where it varies from person to person, the person who eats or rather drinks the dragon egg liquid his body was going through a process of physical change where he may appear dale or at best only his eyes change, but the majority were

It is distinguished by two horns on the forehead and some scales on the face.

The horn that was slowly emerging from his forehead stopped abruptly and then turned to dust in a jiffy, leaving a crater on Bryan's forehead, the pit began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Brian felt all this and was confused, but decided to leave the questions for another time. Now all his focus was on the changes his body had undergone.

White smoke began to come out of his body, his body underwent massive changes, his physical strength jumped to another level, and his blood began to boil, he opened his mouth and vomited some blood mixed with yellow stomach juices.

He wiped his mouth with the sleeve of his jacket and murmured while standing on the ground

"I feel endless power running through my veins, my physical strength is on a whole other level, so this is what it feels like to eat a dragon egg, no wonder Rhodes was willing to do anything to get it, but . . . "


  He looked behind him, trying to find a tail, but he didn't find anything. Then he started checking the rest of his body

"Did i really eat one now? Where are the side effects!? . . ."

He touched his forehead and looked at his blood-covered hand

"I'm sure it was a horn that came out of my forehead but disappeared... I think I'm an extreme case! I seem to be immune to the side effects of the dragon egg, the physical symptoms at least or as for the other side effects I will know in the future..."

His body is considered a severe condition, which is why the physical side effects of the dragon egg could not have an effect, but Bryan is not sure if he is immune to all side effects, because other than those that appear on the body there are many other symptoms.


  In his home planet, Black-Bono, his body was strong and different from the others, and was identified by scientists as having a strength that enhances physical fitness, but later when he moved to the world where the Sira family was, he discovered that this difference was due to the ability to travel across worlds that puts a load massive on his body

  "My body has become immune to any minor poisons and heat, and my skin has also become very tough. On top of it all, it seems that I have won the grand prize! The dragon egg gave me the dual ability of Darkness Control and Blood Control. What an amazing abilities."

When a person drinks the white liquid inside the dragon egg, his physical strength increases twice. Not only that but there is a 70% possibility of obtaining some supernatural abilities. Most of the abilities are related to the nine elements, water, earth, lightning, wind, fire, ice, nature, Darkness, light, space, and time.

The last five elements, are time and space, darkness, light, and nature.

Brian Datt once read in the library of the Kingdom of Sumerhot that in the history of the four continents only two appeared to have the element of darkness, five had the element of light and four had the element of nature. but the element of time and space he did not find anything about it.

"Hmm! Someone is coming… my blood sensitivity has become strong."




Bryan murmured, who sensed the person coming by hearing the frequency of the blood he was hearing after gaining the ability to control blood

He walked to the door and turned the key to open the door, but suddenly he felt five other people appear next to the person who knocked on the door, he stopped turning the key and was about to ask who the knocker was.

" h- . . . "


He couldn't finish his words because the door was kicked

It smashed it with force, which caused it to be separated from its place and sent flying, crashing into the wall of the room.

"Ugh! Damn it hurts..."

Bryan complained of pain as he pushed the door over him

He got up from the floor and looked at the visitors who entered the room

Without an invitation from him, five people dressed as ninja outfits similar to those worn by the ninja who deceived him entered

Bryan stared hard at someone because he felt so familiar

"Hmm, it's you, you deceiver..."

He recognized him by smell, and after he ate the dragon's egg, his sense of smell became very strong, so he recognized the ninja who deceived him!


A ninja who appeared to be the leader of the group turned his head to the side and said, while pointing at Bryan

 "Hey Squibb! Is this the kid who gave you those pure gold coins!?"

The ninja Squibb nodded and said,

"Yes, although his appearance changed from that of the beggar I met at the gate, I am 100% sure."

The asked ninja nodded when he heard the answer from  Squibb was about to say something but Squibb interrupted him. He pointed at Bryan and said

"Hey! Boy, give the chief all the gold coins you have and he will let you go in peace."

 Bryan sighed and murmured while raising his guard to the max of the bikes

 "Huh, greedy, wherever I go I find someone who covets something that I have, the first is Rhodes who wanted to control and monopolize the kingdom of Sumerhot, and now these scum who covet my money..."

He put his hand behind his back and walked out without the ninja feeling a dagger

Take the fight mode and wait for one or all of the ninjas to attack him

The ninja squad leader ignored Bryan's actions and turned to face Squibb head-on, angrily.

"Squibb, Squibb, Squibby, are you telling me what to do? Do you think I'm stupid!? or  what!?"

Squibb wanted to talk to defend himself, but the poor guy was suddenly punched in the face

He fell to the ground from the force of the punch, the ninja grabbed him by his jacket and started punching his face hard.

He stopped punching and raised his fist, which was strewn with blood.

"yeah !! , now my mood is a little better..."

He turned to look at Bryan, who was looking at him with amazement and a little fear because he remembered Rhodes.

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