chapter 7 : ninjas attack

Bryan looked at the wretched appearance of Squibb and then stared angrily at the ninja who hit him like that.

"Damn it! Wherever I go I find a lunatic or a psychopath!"

Cursing the ninja inside

He turned his head slightly to look at his hand, which was starting to tremble

"Am I scared!?"

He thought while trying to stop his hand from trembling

He is sure that he can beat these ninjas, especially after he ate the dragon's egg and received a powerful boost in the strength of his body, and he also obtained two rare abilities.

Not only that, during those eight years that he lived with the Sira family, he was training daily to fight with his uncle who had disappeared in mysterious circumstances on the day Rhodes invaded the kingdom of Sumerhot, which was a large island located in the Atlantic Ocean.

"No! It is impossible for me to be afraid of them, I am strong because it is impossible for them to beat me...!"

"Hey! Boy, make it easy for both of us, and give me all you have!"

Bryan stopped thinking and stared at the ninja who had just spoken, grabbed the sword behind him tightly, and said

"Huh! You want my possessions!? . . . "

He paused for a moment and continued in a sneerish tone of voice

"Where did you come up with this clever idea, out of everyone here in Tanley Town wants my property!"

The features of the ninja changed, he wrapped his mask and said angrily

"You're making it hard here, boy! Your possessions don't belong to you anymore, they belong to Actiphor!"

"Who is this Actiphor!?"

Brian asked.

"You don't know who Actiphor is ?!, Have you been living in a cave boy, Actiphor the great mage, the head of our organization!" After the ninja taunted Bryan

He put his hand into the bag on his waist and took out a glove full. With pointed and sharp metal grills,

"Hmm! Great mage Actiphor, as I expected this world is similar to the previous world in terms of strength, both worlds have knights and wizards except for the strength of the Dragon Egg which is found in the previous world and I doubt that this world has anything similar."

While Bryan thinks about the new information

The ninja put the glove on his hand and said,

"Boy can you only blame  yourself for  not choosing the previous deal . . . "

He turned to look at the three ninjas behind him, who were looking at him in awe and fear

"You fools, hurry up and finish the matter, I must return to the place of emptying the cravings!" 

Under his command, the ninjas pulled out their weapons and proceeded to attack Bryan, who was pointing the finger of his right hand at them and his other hand behind his back.

"I've never tried this trinket before! . . . but I think the principle is the same..."

Stimulate the newly acquired ability within his body

His heart began to beat very quickly as a result of which he began to pump blood very quickly to his body, which led to the emergence of several green veins on his body.

"All I have to do is leave blood on my finger..."

he  began directing the blood and focusing it on the finger pointing at the three ninjas who were advancing at a steady pace with the intention of killing Bryan.

Slowly, a small drop of blood began to form on the tip of his finger

One of the ninjas who approached Bryan raised his long and sharp sword and waved it to attack him

In the face of this attack, Bryan smiled, who succeeded in implementing his idea


A blood bullet the size of a plaiting finger shot out with great speed and force

Bryan's arm hit the wall behind him due to the force of the bullet's speed

∆ blood bullet ∆


The bullet pierced the ninja's head so quickly that he didn't have any time to evade, even the speed of the bullet exceeded the reaction speed of their leader who was at the back staring at the corpse of the ninja who had fallen to the ground motionless


Another ninja fell right behind him, because the blood bullet penetrated the head of the first ninja and came out from the other side and hit the ninja directly behind him in his right eye.

Bryan shot down two ninjas with one attack.

"You idiot, attack him now while he can't attack ."

The remaining ninja woke up in fright when he heard his captain's screams

He grabbed his black sword and quickly waved it

Bryan woke up from his stupor and tried to step back to avoid the ninja attack in front of him, but crashed into the wall.

Because of the fear and lack of focus that was on top of the ninja, he made a mistake in seriously wounding Bryan, but his attacks were not in vain, as he cut off the finger of Bryan's hand, which had the blood bullet in it a while ago.

"Damn, that hurts..."

Bryan complained of pain, but had to temporarily ignore his pain. He pulled out the short sword he was hiding behind his back and took advantage of the moment the ninja raised his sword.

He grabbed the sword and waved it towards the neck of the ninja with all his might

The ninja didn't have time to respond and because of this, under the force of Bryan's wave, the ninja's head separated from his body and fell to the ground with his body, which stained the floor under him with red blood that was coming out profusely from his neck.

"Huf! Huf! , Huf !, just a small bullet of blood consumed a lot of physical and mental strength . . . "

If the person who had eaten the Dragon Egg wanted to show great strength for the abilities he had obtained, he should focus on cultivating his body to the fullest

Because the body is like a container. As the body develops and becomes stronger, the ability becomes more developed. This is the role of physical force, or in other words, physical force is similar to an engine, and the engine needs some kind of energy to operate.

Mental strength represents the energy with which the motor operates.

The higher the mental strength, the user can show the more power of ability.

Developing physical strength is not a problem for the dragon egg eater, because as soon as one consumes one, the user's body adjusts to go beyond his physical limits, but mental strength is another thing because it depends on talent

The better a person's talent is, the higher the mental energy reserve.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-man, I didn’t expect this at all, how could I be so stupid, you have pure gold that only mages have, you’re naturally so powerful!"

Instead of getting angry over the death of his comrades or servants if you will, the ninja laughed so hard as he spoke

Bryan controlled the blood and stopped the bleeding in the remaining half finger

He looked at the ninja who was laughing and said

"You are really the  sick and crazy man  I've met for all these 16 years of my life, I can give you 5 gold coins for some information. What do you say!? "

The ninja stopped laughing when he heard Brian's words

And he said without hesitation

"15 coins and I can tell you any information you want!"

Bryan frowned and said

"Look man, I'll give you 9 coins, if you negotiate more than that, forget it."

The ninja stared so hard at him that he was not satisfied with this show

Bryan noticed this and said

"Or we could continue our fight here and now and that would surely cause chaos, even if you could defeat and kill me though I doubt your ability to do so would draw a lot of attention, even though you are a bit of a criminal organization I’m sure of There are laws in this organization of yours! And tell me how you will explain to your boss the death of these people...."

He pointed at the ninja corpses below

The ninja smiled in a strange and frightening way and said while returning the glove to his bag

"Okay, well you won, 9 pure gold coins and I will tell you any information you want, but first let’s change the place . . . "

The ninja turned around and passed Squibb's corpse and walked out the door

Bryan followed him but stopped when he reached Squibb's body

"Unfortunately for you, I am very sensitive to blood, your heart is still beating like a horse, turning your death in front of me like playing with death ..."

Bryan spoke while placing his sword on Squibb's neck

who moved his hand and removed the mask to reveal the face of a young man in his twenties, a swollen face full of blood

"Please spear my life I have a famil- . . . "

Bryan didn't wait for him to finish his sentence and cut his throat

"I had already forgotten that you deceived me, but for you to come to me with the intent of killing me, why did I only weaken you for what happened to you .   .  . "

He murmured as he got down on one knee and wiped his sword with Squibb's clothes before he entered him into space. He searched his body and found a bag of money.

He said while getting up to follow the ninja

"I think this is mine now..."

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