chapter 8 : john and mary

Bryan went down the stairs and found the ninja waiting for him below

"Finally you came. I was beginning to think you ran away."

The ninja made fun of him

Then he took out a small bag and threw it to the woman in the reception

"Honey, you have a job upstairs!!"

The woman grabbed the bag of money and said after hiding it in her chest, and said as she got up from her place to see him, his fat body amazes Bryan every time he sees it

"John, this is less than last time..."

"You'll find the rest of the commission at the top if the child hasn't already taken it!"

The fat woman looked at Bryan hard

He ignored her stare and moved past John and walked out of the hotel.

Inside the hotel, John and the woman looked at each other for a while

"John, what are you going to do with that pretty boy!?"

The fat woman said while licking her lips

"Mary, I have my own plans for him, I warn you not to touch a single hair of him . . . "

The fat woman called Mary was surprised by John's words. She smiled and said in a mysterious tone

"Do you really want to invite him to the organization!? What did you see in that boy exactly that you wanted him so badly!!"

John smiled and answered

"Heh! Even though he has some strength, I’m not the one he wants . . . "

He paused for a moment and continued in a weak voice

"It was orders from above, it seems that the boy caught the attention of one of the leaders!!"

As soon as Mary heard John's last words, the smile disappeared from her face and was replaced by a frown

"Orders from above!? What the hell did the boy do to attract the attention of a commander!?"

John shrugged his ignorance and said as he turned around

"I don't know, but I suppose it has something to do with the pure gold that the boy showed, that's just my theory, the bottom line, Mary, don't bother with the boy if you want to stay alive, even me  I can't save you...!!"

John walked out of the hotel, leaving behind a sulky Mary

I sighed and thought as I went up the stairs

"Things are more complicated than an idiot imagines! The leaders won't pay attention to the boy for some pure gold. Wherever it was, it's out of my mind. Now I have to clean up the mess left by those idiots..."

I went up to the second floor while thinking, upon arriving at the crime scene, I was surprised by the sight

I murmured while searching the body of a ninja who was near the door

"Hmm! Looks like the boy took it all . . . "

She murmured because she didn't find any money in Squibb's body

She didn't stop at Squibb's corpse, he got up and went to the other corpses

"The boy has some strength..."

Mary hung as she stared at the corpse that had separated its head

After he finished looting the corpse, she stored the money inside her big chest

And she took off the black gloves she had been wearing all along

You looked at them and murmured

Looks like I have to buy a new one.

The reason she said this is because the gloves were in bad shape

A little bluish with a little and looks like she's going to collapse at any time all because of her special ability

Mari touched the corpse of the ninja whose head was separated from her body to start the magic

As soon as she came into contact with a ninja's corpse, his clothes began to decompose at a very fast pace

Not only that, but even the corpse itself began to decompose and turn into black dust, if Brian had been to see this scene, thank God for not insulting her.

From Mary's indifferent features, she seems used to this kind of business

Within half a minute, the entire corpse vanished, leaving only a mass of black dust

Marie got up and headed to her next victim

Five minutes later, she finished her work as all the corpses were gone and the broken door was even blood decomposing under her superpower.

She put on her worn-out glove again, took a broom from the bathroom, and started collecting all the dust that came from the decomposition.

corpses and other things

Then she took a bag from her chest and collected all the dust

The cleaning process only took 7 minutes

Mary picked up the dust bag and ran out of the room

On the other hand, in the middle of the main city street, Bryan was moving alone, with no trace of John around

Five minutes ago, they agreed to meet outside the city in the mountains. Bryan first suggested that he meet in the forest in which he appeared after he moved to this world

But John tells him that the forest has become a restricted area for some reason ! .

Bryan knew it was probably the reason because he was sure someone had noticed her transition.

Brian stopped in front of a vendor who was selling a kind of fruit that looked like apples, but the color was so different that I reminded it of the dragon egg he had consumed.

He picked up one of them and asked the seller, "Sir, how much is this fruit!?"

The seller looked at him up and down

And he said curiously

"Boy, I’ve never seen you here before, what city are you from!?"

Bryan played with the fruit with his hand and looked at the curious seller

"You have a wonderful power of observation, yes I'm not from this city, I came with my uncle a few days ago from Don-Town, after hearing about Tanley-Town I wanted to visit...!"

The seller got up and said excitedly

"Are you really from Dom-Town! Great, tell me, are you still lust services there!?"

"Lust Services!? Looks like the name of a place there!!"

Bryan thought while staring at the curious salesman

"Lust services yes I'm still there, sir. Tell me do you have any map of this country, or know where I can get it, do you know how many times I got lost in this city!"

The seller nodded and said while looking for one of the boxes next to him

"Oh! You want a map of the country, you are so, lucky I have one with me. A buyer left it a little while ago . . . ."

"Here it is, take it for free if you buy from  me a wild apple . . . "

Bryan took the folded paper and put it in his jacket pocket without looking at it then

He said

"Of course, I will definitely buy from you. Tell me how much one box costs!"

The seller was surprised by the quantity Bryan ordered, then smiled happily

"Sir, I'll sell it to you for 100 rays..."

Without hesitation, Brian took out a money bag out of the pocket space , counted the coins inside and found 115 Rays, Lane raised his head

He looked at the seller but was surprised by the big change in the seller's mood

The seller was sweating with fear and dread, and even a little respect on his face

" What happened to you !? "

Bryan asked curiously

"S-Sir, why didn't you tell me that your honor is a wizard! You can take the chest and the map for free. It's a humble gift from me!"

Bryan became confused by the new information "wizard!?, did he think I was a wizard. I know from the ninja who named John that this world has wizards too!! But from the man's expression, they seem to have great respect, if that's the case, that changes a lot of things. So, is that man john a wizard too? Even if he's a wizard, I have to take the risk and meet him, I need information about this world. Who knows, maybe there's something similar to a dragon egg here."

Bryan stopped thinking about it after making up his mind

He looked at the salesman who was obediently waiting for Bryan's response

he Throw the bag of money and touch one of the boxes

The box disappeared, which increased the fear of the seller

Bryan said while leaving

"It was a pleasure doing business with you sir !!"

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