chapter 9 : informations exchange part 1

Bryan followed the instructions he received from John and went towards the mountains in the southern part of town. 

After an hour of continuous walking, he finally arrived at the meeting place John had set with him.

 Bryan jumped out of his seat after feeling the presence of someone behind him. 

He flipped through the air several times and landed on the ground. He raised his head and looked at the visitor, who was John in a black ninja outfit. 

Clap, clap, clap!

John started clapping loudly as he praised Bryan. 

" Wow, great, great. You are among the best people I have ever met in terms of reaction speed. Does this have to do with your ability or is it just your fighting instinct !? "

Bryan narrowed his eyes and smiled. 

And he said

"You can say it’s both, so Mr. John, shall we get to work!?"

"Oh! , you're the kind of person who doesn't like to gossip. It's great. You and I will get along a lot. Yeah, let's get down to business, but before that, tell me your name, boy !? "

Bryan nodded and answered with his real name because he had nothing to hide! 

"My name is Bryan..."

John stared at him, waiting for Bryan to give his full name. 

"It's just Bryan, no nickname..."

John stared hard at him. 

"Forget it, I'll be done with Bryan for now, so Bryan, what exactly do you want to ask !? "

Bryan ignored John's annoyed tone and said

"I want to know the current state of this country. I heard it is at war !? "

John widened his eyes in astonishment

"Boy, did you live in a cave!? This information is known to all the inhabitants of the Bahamut Continent, even my dog... " 

John stopped mocking after seeing Bryan's frowning face and continued

"Whatever man! Where do I start for you..."

"Just tell me everything!" 

John nodded and sat on the ground, following Brian's footsteps, and sat like that

"I will tell you the general information that the majority knows in exchange for nine pure gold coins! . . . ."

Before John could finish his sentence, Bryan interrupted him. 

"No, No!  I don't want public information, I want more than that. Don't worry about money. As soon as I get the information, I'll give you the money!"

John nodded and started to speak, "Okay then, yes, you are right. This country is about to face a great war that has never been seen before. Not only Tanley Town but even two other countries, one called Dom Town and the other called Stormland, all these countries against a superpower country  called Law Zone..."

John stopped talking because he saw Bryan's confused expression

"No, no no, man, did you really not live in a cave, I’m not going to explain to you the history of any of these countries, you can go to the library, everything is written there . . . ."

Bryan nodded and motioned for John to finish

, "Where I have  been, oh yeah, as I told you, Law Zone declared war on the three countries, three years ago, I have a limited source of information, so I couldn’t figure out why Law Zone stopped waging war for the past three years but what I know now The thing that the public doesn't know is that this country started to assemble its army again, this time without the help of my organization, so that Tanley Town won the war like a dream only . . . . "

Bryan interrupted him by saying

"But there is something I didn’t understand and you didn’t mention it..!!"

John pulled a bottle of water from the bag at the side of her waist and said while opening the lid

"What!? What did I not tell you ??"

Bryan narrowed his eyes. 

"How can a great country like Law Zone wage war against these three countries without a logical reason!? ,  I heard from the public that the reason for the war is that Law Zone  wants to monopolize other countries’ territories and expand! . . . But in my opinion, this is just nonsense, there is more occupation lands!!, and I’m sure you know why!!"

John stops drinking the water and wipes his mouth while praising Bryan

"Wonderful, your intelligence really amazes me, I'm curious to know your full identity..."

Close the bottle and finish by saying

"Yes! You're really on what the public is saying is not all the truth, I think you heard that the son of the head of the Dom family was engaged to the daughter of Eddard Tanley because the state wants to strengthen their cooperation through marriage, but this is not the main reason... the main reason behind all this war and The engagement is because of the gold mine that was discovered three years ago...."

"A gold mine!?" asked Bryan. 

John rubbed his temple and said while sighing

"Boy, I began to think that you were living in some cave, and you stumbled upon those coins of pure gold there by chance. That is why you began to ch- . . . "

"John, you can make fun of me after you give me the information I want. Tell me how a gold mine could cause a war between four great nations!?"

"Okay, okay, I’ll stop joking, but with your strength, I thought you belonged to one of the great families, I even started to think you were from the imperial family because of the aura you gave off, hehe, but I told myself how could someone who belonged to a grand family or even an imperial family doesn't knows the value of gold, especially pure gold...

Brian didn't speak, he just stared at John desperately, waiting for a clear answer.

"Hey! Well! Boy, maybe I'm starting to be a picture of who you are, you don't know the value of pure gold, which means you're not a magician, but your ability is that you showed a little while ago... I guess you're from outside the continent, you're from the same home as Mary you're from. This Continent of Gundam is the only explanation I can come up with after seeing your supernatural ability . . . . "

When Bryan heard John's last words instead of getting answers to his questions, the questions in his head increased

"If I really this world has something like a dragon egg, I can clarify these things at another time now I still have to figure out why gold has such a value in this world."

He gave a voice to his thoughts and said,

"John, you haven’t told me yet why gold is so valuable!?"

John nodded and answered

"In this world, there are two types of gold, contaminated gold, and pure gold, the most valuable of course is pure gold. The reason for its value is because of the way it is used and because it

And on the part of magicians, yes, pure gold is known as the effect of a substance that conducts magic by 90%, and this is the highest percentage that you can get, not only a good conductor but even that it absorbs magic inside it that other metals cannot do. Magical weapons are made of pure gold As well as many other magical things. That's why, boy when you started to flaunt your gold, you  paid so much attention to yourself, it's only a matter of time before the novice wizards come to get your gold. . . "

John stopped talking and stared at Bryan, who was drowning in his thoughts

"It would never have occurred to me that gold could be so valuable in this world, especially since in the previous world gold was only a currency that ordinary people traded in with each other, but if that was the case, why would gold sell for 580 rays from John’s words? It seems that it is worth tens if not hundreds of thousands of Ray coins, have I been served by that guard too!?"

Bryan stopped thinking about it and asked John, who was obediently waiting for Brian to finish thinking

"John, tell me how much is a pure gold coin worth!?"


"Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-speaking about this you really a big dumb ass a guy like squib-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha, on the black market at least 12,000 rays . . . . ."

Bryan frowned when he heard this and said with a sigh

"Yes, unfortunately! I seem to be a fool, trusting someone in this hypocritical city! Anyway, tell me how much-tainted gold is!?"

John put his hand on his chin and said,

"About 580 rays, it was only 500 rays a week ago, but it seems that one of the supreme wizards has figured out a way to purify contaminated gold . . . "

As he listens to John's words, he is relieved a little because he discovers that he has never been deceived again.

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