Chapter 29

While Sardat was lying tired in his room after spending a tiring day, ordering his subordinates to repair various corners of the Oval city.  He took a deep breath, then tried to close his eyes to rest to end the day.

Elsewhere, the scouts sent by Kris have arrived in Oval City. They moved carefully, infiltrating through the gaps in the city. Because they are quite sure that the new leader of the Oval City will not let them get away with it.

Using the connections they had, one figure managed to enter Oval City through the port.

"Are you sure no one is following you?" Kris' subordinate whispered to the person who picked him up.

"Don't worry, sir," he replied while checking the surroundings, his voice a little hoarse. "Oval City Security is still newly established. They haven't secured the entire area yet," he continued confidently.

"Security? What do you mean by that?" Kris' subordinate asked with furrowed brows, reflecting his doubts. 
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