Chapter 2559 Sofia Is Suspicious Of Her Mother

Vernon reacts in horror upon hearing the same story that Amoreira told Kelvin.

“For God’s sake, Detective! Is this all true?”

“Yes, and young Kelvin Mountain had the same reaction as you.” Amoreira nods regretfully.

“Do the other brothers know anything? Francisco, Isabel...”

“No, Kelvin Mountain is the only one who knows this, and I asked to keep the conversation between us.” Amoreira sighs, “If it weren’t for Mrs. Cardozo being catatonic in the hospital, I would have already given this whole bombshell to my colleagues who investigated the ‘suicide’.”

“The case was resolved and kept as such, unfortunately.” Vernon narrows his eyes, “Amoreira, I think you should have spoken this discovery to everybody even without your client’s prior approval.”

Amoreira, however, is in doubt. “I thought a lot before telling the nephew.”

“I know, the ‘detective-client confidentiality’ thing.” Vernon sighs, “But I think things are a little different. No one will question why Mrs. Cardozo showed signs of
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