New time

Chapter fourteen

Just as the masked sniper left.

Almiron staggered back to his mansion, his body aching from the wounds inflicted by Daxon’s dark shadows. His father rushed to his side, concern etched on his face as he took in Almiron’s injuries.

“Almiron, what happened? Are you alright?” his father exclaimed, his voice filled with worry.

Almiron forced a weak smile, trying to mask the pain that coursed through his body. “I’m fine, Father,” he replied, his voice strained. “It’s just a scratch. There was an incident with our driver. He was shot, and I got a few bruises in the process.”

His father’s eyes widened with alarm. “Shot? Is he alright? And who would do such a thing?”

Almiron nodded, weaving a convincing tale to explain away his injuries. “ Unfortunately he didn’t make it. As for who did it, I’m not sure. It happened so suddenly.”

His father’s concern deepened, but he nodded in understanding. “Well, I’m just glad you’re safe, Almiron. We’ll get to the bottom of this.”

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