**Chapter 16**

The harsh glare of early morning sunlight cut through the large windows of the Donovan headquarters, casting long shadows across the sleek, modern office. The boardroom was buzzing with activity as Derek, Rachel, and their allies gathered for an emergency meeting. The atmosphere was tense, filled with a mixture of triumph and trepidation. Derek had managed to stabilize the situation, but the latest developments had everyone on edge.

Rachel paced the room, her heels clicking impatiently against the polished floor. “This is getting ridiculous. Matthew Donovan is a pawn in our game, and now he’s trying to make himself look important. We need to crush him before he can pose any real threat.”

Derek, seated at the head of the table, nodded in agreement. “He’s nothing more than a puppet. We’ve got him cornered, and he doesn’t even know the full extent of what’s coming. We need to push forward and make sure he’s completely discredited.”

Their conversation was abruptly interrupt
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