Chapter. 2 Another Pretty Weird Days

Sean was blown into the endless passage of time. Then he seemed to fall on a transparent floor that was quite hard.

"Ouch. Where is this? Did I die of starvation?" Sean muttered while trying to stand up. He looked around. A wall of light surrounded him strangely enough. With great curiosity. Sean approached it and raised his hand to touch the wall. As expected, the wall could not be touched, making his hand seem to enter another dimension. Sean quickly withdrew his hand again.

[WELCOME TO SYSTEM OVERPOWER. Press 'Yes' to continue.]

A voice was heard while showing a hologram screen floating in the center of the place. Sean immediately turned his attention while walking closer. He did not fully understand the meaning of the writing. However, in order to answer that curiosity, Sean pressed 'Yes'. Instantly, the hologram screen in front of him changed color, which was originally green, now became golden blue.


The voice said again. And again, Sean just obeyed. After pressing the menu button, the hologram screen again showed a row of words that could make him dumbfounded.

[Name: Sean Hodgson

Age: 25 years old

Race: Human

Blood Type: O

Weight: 60 kg

Height: 170 cm

Level: 0

Status: Player

Number of points: 5000]

"How could he know my identity?" muttered Sean, getting more and more confused.

[Do you need help?]

Asked the disembodied voice. The hologram screen changed back to the words Yes and No.

"Where is this?" asked Sean quickly after pressing the Yes option.

[This is the weapon display panel that you can choose from. We're giving you five thousand points that you can exchange for the weapon you want to use."]

"Weapons? A weapon for what?" asked Sean, getting more confused.

[A weapon to accomplish the first mission.]

"Weapon? The first mission? What exactly is this supernatural voice talking about?" muttered Sean while digging his memory back. "Wait! Does all this have anything to do with the question on my phone screen earlier?"

[Yes. You are in the Overpower system, which will give you the opportunity to experience true power and authority in this world. However, if you fail. You will be thrown into an endless time hole."]

"What? Okay. If this can make me stronger than everyone. I'll give it a try. I'll prove that I'm not a loser like they used to say. Even if I fail. No one will care. So, I accept this mission!"

[Good. Then please choose the weapon you want to buy with your points."]

The hologram screen changed to a row of pictures of weapons with prices listed below them. Sean began to browse through the pictures and adjusted the price to the points he had. He was excited to see weapons ranging from a rope to a sophisticated sniper rifle. Since childhood, Sean wanted to be a soldier. So, without thinking, he bought the sniper rifle at a price that immediately drained his points without a trace.

[The weapon has been purchased. The points currently owned are zero.]

Said the supernatural voice. However, Sean did not pay much attention to what she said. Because the appearance of a long-barreled firearm that looked very great in front of him already hypnotized him.

"Wow. This is really amazing. But how do I use it?" said Sean while carrying the weapon.

[Don't worry! This advanced weapon is equipped with an advanced system that can merge with your mind and body muscles. So you can use it without any training].

"Wow. That's really great!"

[ But, remember! This mission lasts for four hours. You must be able to survive there. Or you will be considered a failure.]

"With a weapon this good. Four hours is not a long time," Sean said dismissively. While continuing to look at the weapon in his hand.

[Alright. Press Yes if you're ready.] Without thinking, Sean chose the Yes option.

[System starts.]

[Time displacement....... Success!]

[Place adjustment...... Success!]

[Teleportation system...... Success!]

[Please count down from Three....Two...One...]


Sean woke up on his old bed. He felt awkward in his current state. Sean was pretty sure he wasn't here last time. However, the ringing of his cell phone immediately broke his reverie.

"Hello," Sean said to the person calling from the other side.

"Hi loser! Hurry up and come to the restaurant early. We're going to get a lot of orders from VIP customers today!" the man said. Sean put his phone away for a moment. 

'Isn't this the conversation that happened yesterday morning?' Sean thought.

"Hey! Answer me. Do you understand?"

"Yes. I understand. I'll be gone soon." 

"Good! Because now Mr. Liam, the restaurant owner, will also come. So, make sure you don't make any mistakes. Got it!"

"Got it."


Tut. The phone line was disconnected. Sean was silent for a while on his bed. This really didn't make sense. Why was yesterday repeated from the first time he woke up? Sean rubbed his own hair in frustration. Until he realized that he was wearing a strange digital watch on his wrist. Because he sure as hell never had one before this. 

"What is this clock? When did I wear it?" Sean muttered in confusion. However, he didn't have much time to think about it. He had to get to work before he was late and earned the ire of the restaurant manager.

Sean quickly got up and went about his business as usual. One thing was good news for him. This time he already knew what would happen at the restaurant, so he wouldn't make the mistake of spilling the customer's food that got him fired.

Sean vigorously stepped towards each customer's table. This time, he was absolutely sure he wouldn't make a mistake. Because he could already guess what would happen at the birthday party of the son of a famous city official. Sean went back inside to get the other menus that were ready to be served. However, when he turned around, everyone ran inside with panicked faces.

"Help! Help! Help!" they shouted. Without caring about Sean's existence, he was immediately hit until all the dishes in his hands spilled over his body.

Sean didn't understand what was happening there. Until finally his eyes caught a terrible creature like a giant-sized ant that was eating food at all customer tables. Not only food, they also apparently eat humans who are nearby and destroy whatever is in front of them.

"What happened?" muttered Sean. He was about to run away when one of the ant monsters walked towards him. Its food-filled body made a scent that attracted animals that had changed size hundreds of times. 

Sean tried to escape. With all his strength, he rushed out of that place. However, he was suddenly stunned to see dozens of the same creatures destroying the city. When Sean was stunned, he didn't realize that an ant was already behind him. Sean turned his head when he saw a gigantic shadow reflected from behind him. 

"Oh, my God!" he squealed. Sean was about to run away, but his movements were not fast enough. So the creature with a pair of claws caught his left leg in front of its mouth. Sean tried to break free. However, his efforts looked ridiculous now. The ant's jagged claws released a liquid that would paralyze Sean. Suddenly, Sean's watch released a hologram screen. Along with the time that seemed to be stopped.

[Overpower system installed. ...... Success!] 

[Weapons can be used. Please touch the image on the screen.] 

The robot's distinctive voice said again. 

Sean just followed his orders. He quickly grabbed the image of the Sniper Rifle. Unexpectedly, his hand could enter the screen and hold a rifle for real. When the weapon came out, time went back to normal. The ants attacked Sean again and almost tore Sean's body using his big mouth. Sean quickly pointed the gun at the ant's head until finally the creature lay lifeless. Sean also fell not far from the creature's horrible body. 

With shuffling steps, Sean looked for a place to hide. Behind a building, he met people who had been badly injured. Some looked torn to shreds, while others looked paralyzed in some parts of their bodies.

"Help! Help me!" they said with a pitiful whimpering voice. Sean immediately approached one of them.

"What happened?"

"We.... We're an animal research team. That ant monster attacked us while researching its unnatural body," he said weakly. Sean looked at the clothes of those people who did look like scientists.

"Where did those monsters come from?"

"We found one from the Weotree forest. We took it to the lab for examination. However, it turned out that she was an ant queen and quickly established her colony there."

"What?" muttered Sean in half disbelief.

"Quick! You must stop their invasion. Otherwise, human life will come to an end."

"But, how?"

"This. We managed to analyze the anatomy of the monster queen's body. By killing her. Then the other worker ants will easily be exterminated," said the middle-aged man as he took out a paper from the pocket of his bloodied white coat. Sean looked closely at the picture on the paper.

"Megant Monster," Sean muttered, reading the bold print.

"Yes. We named him Megant Monster. It comes from the word Mega Ant. Please save humanity from imminent extinction," the man said, then breathed his last.

"Professor! Professor, wake up!" shouted Sean as he shook the man's body. But he was no longer moving. So were the surrounding people. 

"Aargh!" people shouted from the direction of the restaurant where Sean worked. Sean stared at the picture. Then squeezed it hard. 

"I won't let you finish off the human race!" Sean vowed. Then, he ran away from that place.

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