Chapter. 5 Nearly Failing the Mission

A few moments of handling the little girl's body with makeshift tools. Finally, the little girl regained consciousness as well. Claudia was very grateful and ended up hugging the girl tightly. However, it seemed like their fun couldn't last long. Because the Megant Monsters came back and tried to break the glass in that place to get in and catch them. Of course, it immediately made the situation in the building tense. 

"Damn it! I haven't rested yet. But they're already back quickly," Sean grumbled.

"Don't grumble too much! Hurry up and protect us all! We can't let our guard down. Unless we want to be their next meal!" said one of the soldiers.

"Alright. I got it." Sean aimed his rifle at the large glass windows surrounding the place. "Damn it! There are too many of them! Quickly, we have to go to a safer place!" Sean ordered as the horde of monsters filled all the glass. They attacked him with full force. The glass began to crack.

Sean and the others walked backwards towards the elevator door that was trying to be opened. However, they still had difficulty opening the metal door. Because all the buttons didn't seem to work.

"This door has been broken since yesterday. That's why we're stuck here."

"Then didn't you guys find another way out?" asked Claudia frantically. 

"We did. But we still can't find it."

"No way. This place must have a fire escape. Hurry, we don't have time to think. Find the fire escape right now!"

They split up to look for the fire escape. However, they really didn't find that part here. The only access to escape was the elevator door.

"Take this poor girl! Let me handle the stuck elevator button!" Claudia handed the girl to one of the soldiers. Then she used an iron plate. She managed to force open the elevator button panel. It turned out that there was indeed a cable loose from the panel. So Claudia quickly repositioned it. When the button was tried to open the elevator door. The elevator doors opened slowly. Everyone cheered while staring in amazement at Claudia, who had many skills.

Meanwhile, the monsters had managed to break some of the glass and managed to enter. Fortunately, Sean quickly shot them one by one while walking backwards into the elevator, following the others. When the monsters managed to damage all the glass walls. The elevator began to run upwards. However, the movement is quite slow. It looks like this building is old. So that the performance of the elevator is not optimal. The rumbling sound of creeping feet seemed to be getting closer. One soldier had to stick his ear on the elevator floor to find out what was really going on under the elevator. He was shocked to think that hundreds of Megant Monsters were chasing them down there. 

"They're down there," he muttered.

"We can't just stand there. We have to find a way to escape," the others replied. Sean racked his brain as he looked around.

"Lift me up to that section! I'm sure that's a place we can open to escape."

One soldier lowered his body. Then, after Sean climbed onto the shoulders, the man got back up. Sean used the tip of his gun to break the top of the elevator into a square. It looked like it was an emergency exit from the elevator, so it didn't take long. Sean could open it wide. Sean went up first. Then, people helped Claudia go up with the little girl, who still looked very traumatized by this incident. Only then did the soldiers go up one by one.

"Are you sure you can climb that ladder?" asked Sean to Claudia, who was still holding the girl in her arms. Claudia stared at the iron stairs that ran vertically along the elevator's emergency room. The face looked hesitant for a moment, but after glancing at the little girl's frightened face. She finally nodded.

"I'm sure I can do it," she replied firmly.

"Alright. You guys go up first!"

Everyone hurriedly climbed the stairs one by one except Sean. Sean deliberately went up last so that he could launch his tactics. After everyone went up the stairs. It was Sean's turn to do so. Before the elevator went up past him. Sean immediately shot the pulley rope that pulled the elevator up. Of course, the iron box immediately free-falls downwards when it breaks due to Sean's shot. The elevator carried most of the monsters down to the ground floor. 

"Yeeey!" They cheered happily to celebrate the victory. However, it didn't last long. Because the other monsters came back and immediately chased them.

"Hurry up! Get on!" they shouted frantically.

One soldier tried to open the elevator door on the wrong floor. Then they immediately got out of there through the door. Although they managed to get out of the elevator. However, they could not feel relieved. Because the monsters were still chasing them. In fact, not only from inside the elevator hole. The monsters also chased them from outside the building. They crept up the building and broke every glass wall to get in.

"Come here! I know this place," Sean shouted as he ran to the left side. Everyone immediately followed his lead. Sean once worked at this place as a cleaning service for one week. So, he still remembered the place that could help them right now. 

It was exactly as Sean had expected. The place had a room hidden behind a bookcase. They immediately went in there after Sean managed to open it. It turns out the reason he was fired was because he accidentally opened this room. Although now it has its uses too. For a moment, they could breathe a sigh of relief.

"I'm scared. I want to be with my mom," murmured the little girl in Claudia's arms, with tears flowing freely. Of course, everyone immediately felt sorry for her. Now no one knew where her mother was. In fact, Claudia wasn't even sure if her mother was alive right now.

"Yes. Calm down first. If we can escape the monsters. We'll definitely find your mom," Claudia replied. Then she hugged the girl tightly. 

"We can't go on like this. We have to find a safe place," suggested the army commander. 

"Yes. I've already found a safe place. And we can definitely use that place to accommodate everyone," Sean said. 

"Where is it?"

"It's near the city park. We need to get there quickly to save ourselves."

"The city park? If it's true that there is a safe place. Then we're not far from that place?"

"Yes." Sean nodded firmly.

Suddenly, the wall of the secret room seemed to be being bitten bit by bit from the outside. Because the walls of the place were made of wood. The monsters could definitely easily destroy it. The little girl had just fallen asleep after a long period of crying.

"How did they come back?" Claudia whispered frantically. 

"Hust. Calm down here. Let me and these soldiers deal with it." Claudia finally nodded in agreement.

Sean and the soldiers went out. The soldiers joined in attacking the few monsters that were still there and tried to break the wall they were hiding behind. Although what the soldiers did could not kill the monsters. However, they were enough to help Sean to paralyze the monsters and make the number of monsters killed much more. The monsters came back like there was no end. Making them overwhelmed. The bullets in Sean's sniper rifle ran out.

"Shit! Why do I have to run out of bullets at a time like this?" Sean cursed irritably. Sean remembered that he had taken some bullets on the ground floor earlier. Before the attack of the monsters. Although they had unique characteristics. Sean continued to pray that the bullets could still be used with his rifle.

Miraculously, the bullets could match with Sean's rifle. It's just that Sean's movements were not fast enough to make one of the monsters manage to get close. Then quickly grabbed his body again.

"Aaarghh!" Sean shouted loudly. When his body seemed to be injected with something by the ant. Sean who didn't want to die in vain. Pointed his gun at the ant. He pulled the trigger of the gun to shoot the monster in the head. The monster released him because his body was no longer alive.

"Sean! Sean, are you okay?" asked the men as they brought Sean back to the hiding place.

"Sean!" Claudia was no less surprised to see the condition of Sean's body now. Because of the monster's claws. His body became immobilized. 

"Oh, no. What happened to me? What happened to me?" Sean said in panic. 

"Calm down, Sean! Calm down. I'll help you," said Claudia. 

That night, they slept in the small hiding place. Because outside there was still the sound of the monsters roaming. Fortunately, they didn't know about it. In the silence, Sean was pensive. He couldn't sleep. Moreover, now the condition of his body very concerns. Suddenly Sean's tears fell. 

'What difference does it make to me now? Still a loser. Maybe after this I will die from the sting of the Monster's claws,' Sean thought desperately. His body couldn't move at all. Only his lips and eyes were still normal as usual. Suddenly, a bright light reappeared from the bracelet around his hand. The light formed a golden hologram screen.

[Congratulations! Your first mission has succeeded.]

Sean was stunned to see the image of a silver crown on the hologram screen. 

[You are rewarded with 10,000 points that can be exchanged for 1 special skill and 1 weapon. Please choose the special skill and weapon you want!] 

The hologram screen turned golden blue. It then stood vertically in front of Sean's body. Then it slowly moved closer. As if it wanted to enter Liam's body into another dimension. Sure enough, Liam was back in that strange place. When his body had fully entered the hologram screen earlier. Miraculously, Sean's body instantly turned healthy again. All the joints and muscles of his body could be moved as before.

[Welcome to the special skills display panel. Please select a skill by exchanging the points you already have.]

Sean again looked confused. While continuing to stare at the screen in front of him. Occasionally, his hand moved the screen to select the skill he wanted to choose.

"This time I can't be careless. Choosing the wrong one will cost me my life."

Sean continued to shift the screen. His face still looked confused.

"Alright. I'll choose this skill and this weapon." Sean pressed the images he selected.

[Skill selected...... Success!]

[Weapon selected...... Success!]

[Second mission survival within 4 days. The system will start from Three.... Two.... One....]

After that, Sean experienced a lifting sensation as something pulled him from above and lifted him out again. Sucked in by something pulling him from above. 

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